SESSION 1. Storms and Substorms
L.S. Yevlashin, Yu.P. Maltsev
| Geophysical activity during two superstorms associated with different heliospheric disturbances
| 11
N.G. Kleimenova, J. Bitterly, J.-J.Schott, O.V. Kozyreva
| Global substorm associated effects in high latitude long period geomagnetic pulsations
| 11
A.G. Yahnin, V.A. Sergeev, M.V. Kubyshkina, T. Mukai, N.L. Borodkova, T. Bosinger, T.I. Pulkkinen, D.G. Sibeck, V. Angelopoulos, S. Kokubun
| Substorm onset as observed from the ground and space
| 11
T.V. Kozelova, L.L. Lazutin, B.V. Kozelov, R. Rasinkangas
| Energetic particle injections and magnetic field perturbations from CRRES data
| 12 |
G.V. Starkov, P. Eglitis, H. Opgenoorth, M.V. Uspensky, T. Pulkkinen, R.J. Pellinen
| Dynamics of the auroral diffuse luminosity by the HF CUTRLASS radar data
| 12
V.R. Tagirov, V.A. Arinin, K. Liou, C.-I. Meng, D. Sibeck
| Periodic substorm onsets on the basis of coordinated ground satellite observations
| 13
M.Yu. Goncharova, Yu.P. Maltsev
| Symmetric dependence Kp versus IMF Bz, data for 28 years
| 13
M.G. Gelberg, S.Z. Kershengolz, S.V. Sharaeva
| Relationship between the solar sources of interplanetary plasma streams and types of long auroral disturbances
| 13
M.G. Gelberg, S.Z. Kershengolz, S.V. Sharaeva
| Distribution of HILDCAA of different types from season to season and in a solar activity cycle
| 14
L.P. Shadrina, V.G. Vasilyeva
| Two features of auroras' dynamics subject to the defferent types of magnetic storms
| 14
В.А. Величко, Р.Н. Бороев, Д.Г. Баишев
| Микробухты в геомагнитном поле на низких широтах до начала взрывной фазы суббури
| 15
В.А. Величко, Р.Н. Бороев, Д.Г. Баишев
| Низкоширотные геомагнитные возмущения до начала взрывной фазы суббури
| 15
SESSION 2: Fields, Currents, Particles in the Magnetosphere
O.V. Kozyreva, P. Francia, N.G. Kleimenova, U. Villante, M. Bitterly, J. Schott
| Local feature of cusp/cap ipcl geomagnetic pulsations
| 19
S.I. Solovyev, D.G. Baishev, E.S. Barkova, W.J. Hughes, M.J. Engebretson, K. Yumoto
| Structure of disturbances in the nightside and dayside ionosphere during long-duration intervals of negative IMF Bz without substorms
| 19
E.Yu.Feshchenko, Yu.P.Maltsev, A.A.Ostapenko
| Direct restoring of magnetic field lines in the magnetosphere from observation data
| 20
О.В. Мингалев
| Выражение для продольного тока в магнитосфере с учётом анизотропии давления
| 20
I.V. Despirak, A.G. Yahnin, A.A.Lubchich
| Polar cap aurora and energetic proton precipitation
| 20
T.A.Yahnina, A.G.Yahnin, E.E.Titova, J.Borovsky, M.Thomsen
| Cold plasma distribution in the equatorial plane as seen from in situ measurements and inferred from low-altitude observations of energetic electrons
| 21
V.E. Kunitsyn, I.V. Silin
| Radiotomographic reconstruction of electron density distribution in the critical regions of the magnetosphere in the multi-spacecraft ROY project
| 21
A.V. Dmitriev, A.V. Suvorova
| 3D ANN dayside magnetopause model: application for subsolar point and cusp dynamics
| 22
M.A. Volkov
| Generation of field-aligned currents by hot magnetospheric particles
| 22
A.A. Rusanov, J.-A. Sauvaud, T.M. Burinskaya, M.M. Mogilevsky, R.A. Kovrazhkin
| Small-scale electrostatic inhomogeneities in the polar cap and auroral region
| 23
M. Goncharova, W. Lyatsky, V.Kriviliov, D.G. Sibeck
| Meridian component of the dispersion-forming velocity measured in ion dispersion signatures responsible for an average energy decline only and IMF Bz
| 23
L. Benkevich, W. Lyatsky
| Secondary interhemispheric field-aligned currents: quantitative study via numeric simulation
| 24
A.A. Ostapenko, Yu.P. Maltsev
| Search of a good approximation of the magnetic field in the magnetosphere
| 24
V.G. Vorobjev, L.I. Gromova, G.V.Starkov, B.V. Rezhenov, Ya.I.Feldstein
| Variations of the plasma precipitation boundary position and auroral luminosity in the night-time sector
| 24
A.G. Yahnin, N.L. Borodkova, A.A. Petrukovich, A.O. Fedorov, L.A. Frank, T. Mukai
| Multi-instrument observations of bursty bulk flow events of Nov. 29, 1996
| 25
M.A. Volkov, Yu.P. Maltsev
| Interchange instability in plasma with continuous distribution on drift velocities
| 25
В.П. Козелов
| О свойствах симметрии нестационарной системы уравнений одножидкостной недиссипативной магнитной гидродинамики
| 25
Y.V. Bogdanova, V.S. Semenov, R.P. Rijnbeek, M.J. Buchan
| New interpretation of auroral arc dynamics during substorm in frame of the magnetic reconnection model
| 26
SESSION 3: Waves and Wave-Particle Interaction
V.Y. Trakhtengerts, A.G. Demekhov, Y. Hobara, M. Hayakawa
| Generation of natural and artificial discrete ELF/VLF emissions in the magnetosphere
| 29
A.G. Demekhov, S.V. Isaev, P.P. Belyaev, J. Manninen, T. Turunen
| Modeling of the resonance spectral structure of atmospheric noise background in PC-1 frequency range
| 29
V.Y. Trakhtengerts, S.V. Isaev, A.G. Demekhov, S.V. Polyakov, P.P. Belyaev, V.O. Rapoport
| A mechanism of PC 1 pearl formation based on alfven sweep maser
| 29
N. Yagova, V. Martines-Bedenko
| Wave structure of multi-harmonic Pc3-5 pulsations and the reconstruction of the field-aligned plasma density profile
| 30
T.V. Romantsova, M.M. Mogilevsky, J. Hanazs
| Auroral kilometric radiation and geomagnetic activity: INTERBALL-2 measurements
| 30
D.L. Pasmanik, V.Y. Trakhtengerts
| Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide
| 31
E.E. Titova, A.G. Yahnin, F. Jiricek, J. Smilauer, M.M. Mogilevsky, T.V. Romantsova, A.A. Rusanov, R. Smith, J.L. Rauch
| Dynamics of auroral electron acceleration region as revealed by auroral hiss
| 31
N.V. Semenova, J. Kangas, J. Kultima, J. Manninen, T. Turunen, A.G. Yahnin, E.E. Titova
| Statistical characteristics of the spectral resonance structures of electromagnetic background noise in the frequency range 0-4 Hz inferred from the auroral zone measurements
| 31
N.V. Koropalova, J. Kangas, J. Kultima, J. Manninen, T. Turunen, A.G. Yahnin
| Use of large data set for a study of geomagnetic pulsation morphology
| 32
V. Pilipenko, N. Yagova
| Statistical parameters of ULF noise as an instrument for the monitoring of geophysical phenomena
| 32
T. Bosinger, A. Kero, P. Pollari, A. Pashin, P. Belyaev, M. Rietveld, T. Turunen, J. Kangas
| Generation of artificial magnetic pulsation in the Pc1 frequency range by periodic heating of the Earth's ionosphere
| 33
E.V. Pchelkina, A.B. Pashin, E.G. Belova, W.B. Lyatsky, J. Manninen, E. Turunen
| Study of artificial signals in the ELF frequency range generated on the experiment on November 28, 1995
| 33
SESSION 4: Ionosphere
A.E. Stepanov, V.L. Khalipov, E.K. Zikrach, V.V. Afonin
| Ionospheric plasma blob characteristics on ground-based and satellite measurements
| 37
V.L. Khalipov, A.E. Stepanov, E.K.Zikrach
| The analysis of main ionospheric trough polar wall boundary in morning sector during magneto-quiet conditions
| 37
V.D. Tereshchenko, V.A. Tereshchenko
| Ion velocity distributions in the disturbed F-region of the polar ionosphere and consequences for generation of electrostatic instabilities
| 37
S.M. Chernyakov, I.I. Shagimuratov
| High latitude measurements of ionospheric TEC from GPS signals
| 38
A.A. Namgaladze, A.N. Namgaladze
| An attempt of reproducing the ionospheric tomography data using the global upper atmosphere model
| 38
A.A. Namgaladze, M. Foerster, R.Yu. Yurik
| Global ionosphere-thermosphere storm modeling
| 39
А.А. Боголюбов, В.A. Власков, О.Ф. Оглоблина
| Длиннопериодные вариации интенсивности частичных отражений в авроральной зоне
| 39
Т.Н. Лукичева, В.С. Мингалев
| Эффекты возмущенного термосферного ветра в высокоширотных E- и F1-областях в дневное время
| 40
S.S. Parfenov, V.L. Khalipov, D.D. Reshetnikov, A.E. Stepanov
| Large-scale plasma convection by D1 method measurements in depend on IMF By sign
| 40
E.E. Timofeev, M.K. Vallinkoski, J. Kangas, P. Pollari, T. Virdi, E. Nielsen, P.J. Williams
| Flow angle distribution of the ion and electron temperatures across the stationary cone of the primary modified farley-buneman waves
| 41
Г.И.Мингалева, В.С.Мингалев
| Роль термосферного ветра в формировании пространственной структуры высокоширотного F-слоя
| 41
В.С.Мингалев, Г.И.Мингалева
| Численное моделирование модификации высокоширотного F-слоя короткими волнами различной энергии
| 42
A. Osepian, S. Kirkwood, L. Borovkov, L. Lazutin
| Energy spectrum of the precipitatin electrons determined from N(h)-profiles as compared with direct measurements in magnetosphere
| 42
A.B. Pashin, N.A. Ryumochkina
| Numerical modelling of characteristic heating/cooling time constants
| 43
В.А. Турянский, А.А. Боголюбов, А.С. Елохов, И.Б. Беликов
| Измерения содержания NO2 в авроральной зоне
| 43
S.V. Leontyev, N.N. Bogdanov
| Behavior of the neutral vertical wind in the auroral zone
| 43
A.A. Danilov, V.D. Sokolov
| About dependence of the diurnal variation of auroral absorption on he IMF sign and the geomagnetic dipole orientation
| 43
V.A. Kuzmin, V.D. Sokolov, I.P. Bezrodnykh
| Change of riometric absorption frequency in the 22nd solar activity cycle
| 44
V.A. Kuzmin, V.D. Sokolov, I.P. Bezrodnykh
| Dynamics of the power spectrum of riometric absorption frequency in the solar activity cycle
| 44
V.G. Vlasov, G.O. Zhizhko
| Ion acceleration in the auroral thermal wave
| 44
SESSION 5: Aurora
I.B. Ievenko, V.L. Khalipov, V.N. Alexeyev, A.E. Stepanov
| Dynamical characteristics of the F layer at latitudes of SAR-arc formation region
| 47
В.А. Аринин, В.Р. Тагиров
| Триангуляция авроральных явлений: новый подход к определению пространственного распределения яркости
| 47
V.G. Vorobjev, O.I. Yagodkina, D.G. Sibeck, K. Liou, C.-I. Meng
| On a optical aurora conjugacy: simultaneous ground based and POLAR satellite observations
| 48
T. Kornilova, I. Kornilov, M. Pudovkin, O. Kornilov
| Two types of poleward expansion during auroral breakups
| 48
T. Kornilova, I. Kornilov, M. Pudovkin, O. Kornilov
| Dynamics of auroral arcs during the double breakups
| 48
I.A. Kornilov
| Some methods of TV data processing
| 49
I.A. Kornilov, T.A. Kornilova, O.I. Kornilov
| North-South correlation characteristics of different auroral forms
| 49
B.V. Kozelov
| Fractal approach to dynamics of auroral all-sky TV images
| 49
V. Safargaleev, S. Osipenko, A. Vasil'ev
| Multiple arcs within a double oval and Pi2-like magnetic disturbances on the ground
| 50
V.N. Alexeyev, I.B. Ievenko
| Occurrence rate of SAR-arcs during the 22nd solar activity cycle
| 50
I.B. Ievenko, V.N.Alexeyev
| Photometric observations of the 557.7 nm emission luminosity band at SAR-arc latitudes caused by the energetic particle precipitation
| 50
SESSION 6: Sun, Solar Wind, and Cosmic Rays
A.I. Podgorny
| A possibility of plasma cloud eruption from the solar corona - numerical simulation
| 53
I.M. Podgorny
| The mechanism of ralationship between solar flares and substorms
| 53
A.A. Galeev, A.M. Sadovski
| The solar wind acceleration by dissipation of Alfven waves
| 54
V.C. Roldugin, Yu.P. Maltsev, E.V. Vashenyuk, A.N. Vasiljev
| Decrease of the first Schumann resonance frequency during Solar Proton Events
| 54
A.A. Lubchich, M.I. Pudovkin
| Transmission of magnetohydrodynamic waves through the rotational discontinuity
| 54
В.В. Пчёлкин, Э.В. Вашенюк
| Сверхтонкая структура пенумбры и определение эффективной жёсткости обрезания космических лучей
| 54
В.В. Пчёлкин, Э.В. Вашенюк
| Эффекты квазидрейфа при распространении частиц СКЛ в диапазоне жесткостей пенумбры
| 55
Э.В. Вашенюк, В.В. Пчёлкин
| Релятивистские солнечные протоны в событии 2 мая 1998 г. по данным измерений нейтронными мониторами
| 55
T.A. Hviuzova, S.V. Leontyev
| Spectral characteristics of aurora during crossing the heliospheric current sheet
| 55
С.В. Шараева, М.Г. Гельберг, С.В. Кершенгольц
| Доминирование геоэффективности изолированного потока межпланетной плазмы от одного из солнечных источников во взаимодействующих потоках
| 56
SESSION 7: Atmosphere, Ozon, Biosphere
В.С. Белоголов, А.Н. Ткаченко
| Изменение общего содержания атмосферного озона в Мурманске за период 1971-1998 гг.
| 59
E.V. Kononovich, R.V. Smirnov
| On long term and quasi-biannual structure of the solar cycles in connection to Bruckners' meteorological cycle
| 59
A.I. Semenov, V.A. Sukhodoev
| Seasonal behaviour of the long-term temperature trends in the mesopause region by hydroxyl emission measurements
| 59
N.N. Shefov, N.N. Pertsev, O.T. Yurchenko
| Dependencies of the amplitude of temperature maximum at the atomic oxygen concentrations in the mesopause region versus seasons and solar activity level
| 60
Y.Y. Kulikov
| Variations of ozone at heights 30-50 km and solar proton events in polar latitudes
| 60
A.Yu. Karpechko, S.A. Roumiantsev, M.I. Beloglazov
| On sources of surface ozone in high latitude cites point Barrow and South pole
| 61
V.C. Roldugin, G.N. Nikulin, M.I. Beloglazov
| Latitudinal distribution of total ozone decrease after relativistic electron precipitation
| 61
V.C. Roldugin, K. Henriksen, G.N. Nikulin
| Quasi-periodic ozone movements
| 61
M.I. Beloglazov, V.S. Belogolov, G.N. Nikulin, V.C. Roldugin, A.N. Tkachenko
| Total ozone content over Kola peninsula in 1998 accordingly observations in Apatity, Murmansk and on satellites
| 62
R.V. Smirnov, E.V. Kononovich
| Quasi-biannual circulation in the atmosphere and the solar activity
| 62
Н.К. Белишева, Т.Л. Качанова, В.И. Немцов, В.В. Лебедева, Б.Ф. Фомин, И.А. Меркушев, Н.В. Петухова, И.Н. Январева, Т.И. Баранова, Г.В. Пятакова
| Воздействие геокосмических агентов на психо-физиологическое состояние организма человека
| 63
Н.К. Белишева, С.Е. Емелин, Л.Ю. Рябинина
| Связь флуктуаций геокосмических агентов с самоорганизацией живых систем
| 64
S. Chernouss, M. Kuznetsova, E. Vlassova
| Features of the geomagnetic disturbances impact on human health
| 64
E.A. Kasatkina, O.M. Raspopov O.I. Shumilov, E.V. Vashenyuk
| Ozone "MINIHOLES" in arctic created by solar protons
| 64
O.M. Raspopov, O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina, G.N. Petrova, V.A. Dergachev, K. Creer
| A link between the changes of geomagnetic field intensity and climate changes in the holocene
| 65
O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina, O.M. Raspopov, J. Kangas, V.A. Dergachev
| Solar cycle and global temperature changes
| 65
V.R. Tagirov, V.A. Arinin, V.V. Klimenko, A. Pajunpaa, U. Brandstrom
| Optical phenomena in the atmosphere caused by powered rocket launches
| 66
V. Budoviy, V. Medvedev, S. Horozov, V. Belogolov
| Physical-statistical modeling and long-term forecasting of weather in view of solar-terrestrial connections
| 66