22 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena"
Apatity, 23-26 March 1999
Preprint PGI-99-01-107
Editor: B.V.Kozelov
SESSION 1. Storms and Substorms
L.S. Yevlashin, Yu.P. Maltsev Geophysical activity during two superstorms associated with different heliospheric disturbances 11
N.G. Kleimenova, J. Bitterly, J.-J.Schott, O.V. Kozyreva Global substorm associated effects in high latitude long period geomagnetic pulsations 11
A.G. Yahnin, V.A. Sergeev, M.V. Kubyshkina, T. Mukai, N.L. Borodkova, T. Bosinger, T.I. Pulkkinen, D.G. Sibeck, V. Angelopoulos, S. Kokubun Substorm onset as observed from the ground and space 11
T.V. Kozelova, L.L. Lazutin, B.V. Kozelov, R. Rasinkangas Energetic particle injections and magnetic field perturbations from CRRES data 12
G.V. Starkov, P. Eglitis, H. Opgenoorth, M.V. Uspensky, T. Pulkkinen, R.J. Pellinen Dynamics of the auroral diffuse luminosity by the HF CUTRLASS radar data 12
V.R. Tagirov, V.A. Arinin, K. Liou, C.-I. Meng, D. Sibeck Periodic substorm onsets on the basis of coordinated ground satellite observations 13
M.Yu. Goncharova, Yu.P. Maltsev Symmetric dependence Kp versus IMF Bz, data for 28 years 13
M.G. Gelberg, S.Z. Kershengolz, S.V. Sharaeva Relationship between the solar sources of interplanetary plasma streams and types of long auroral disturbances 13
M.G. Gelberg, S.Z. Kershengolz, S.V. Sharaeva Distribution of HILDCAA of different types from season to season and in a solar activity cycle 14
L.P. Shadrina, V.G. Vasilyeva Two features of auroras' dynamics subject to the defferent types of magnetic storms 14
В.А. Величко, Р.Н. Бороев, Д.Г. Баишев Микробухты в геомагнитном поле на низких широтах до начала взрывной фазы суббури 15
В.А. Величко, Р.Н. Бороев, Д.Г. Баишев Низкоширотные геомагнитные возмущения до начала взрывной фазы суббури 15

SESSION 2: Fields, Currents, Particles in the Magnetosphere
O.V. Kozyreva, P. Francia, N.G. Kleimenova, U. Villante, M. Bitterly, J. Schott Local feature of cusp/cap ipcl geomagnetic pulsations 19
S.I. Solovyev, D.G. Baishev, E.S. Barkova, W.J. Hughes, M.J. Engebretson, K. Yumoto Structure of disturbances in the nightside and dayside ionosphere during long-duration intervals of negative IMF Bz without substorms 19
E.Yu.Feshchenko, Yu.P.Maltsev, A.A.Ostapenko Direct restoring of magnetic field lines in the magnetosphere from observation data 20
О.В. Мингалев Выражение для продольного тока в магнитосфере с учётом анизотропии давления 20
I.V. Despirak, A.G. Yahnin, A.A.Lubchich Polar cap aurora and energetic proton precipitation 20
T.A.Yahnina, A.G.Yahnin, E.E.Titova, J.Borovsky, M.Thomsen Cold plasma distribution in the equatorial plane as seen from in situ measurements and inferred from low-altitude observations of energetic electrons 21
V.E. Kunitsyn, I.V. Silin Radiotomographic reconstruction of electron density distribution in the critical regions of the magnetosphere in the multi-spacecraft ROY project 21
A.V. Dmitriev, A.V. Suvorova 3D ANN dayside magnetopause model: application for subsolar point and cusp dynamics 22
M.A. Volkov Generation of field-aligned currents by hot magnetospheric particles 22
A.A. Rusanov, J.-A. Sauvaud, T.M. Burinskaya, M.M. Mogilevsky, R.A. Kovrazhkin Small-scale electrostatic inhomogeneities in the polar cap and auroral region 23
M. Goncharova, W. Lyatsky, V.Kriviliov, D.G. Sibeck Meridian component of the dispersion-forming velocity measured in ion dispersion signatures responsible for an average energy decline only and IMF Bz 23
L. Benkevich, W. Lyatsky Secondary interhemispheric field-aligned currents: quantitative study via numeric simulation 24
A.A. Ostapenko, Yu.P. Maltsev Search of a good approximation of the magnetic field in the magnetosphere 24
V.G. Vorobjev, L.I. Gromova, G.V.Starkov, B.V. Rezhenov, Ya.I.Feldstein Variations of the plasma precipitation boundary position and auroral luminosity in the night-time sector 24
A.G. Yahnin, N.L. Borodkova, A.A. Petrukovich, A.O. Fedorov, L.A. Frank, T. Mukai Multi-instrument observations of bursty bulk flow events of Nov. 29, 1996 25
M.A. Volkov, Yu.P. Maltsev Interchange instability in plasma with continuous distribution on drift velocities 25
В.П. Козелов О свойствах симметрии нестационарной системы уравнений одножидкостной недиссипативной магнитной гидродинамики 25
Y.V. Bogdanova, V.S. Semenov, R.P. Rijnbeek, M.J. Buchan New interpretation of auroral arc dynamics during substorm in frame of the magnetic reconnection model 26

SESSION 3: Waves and Wave-Particle Interaction
V.Y. Trakhtengerts, A.G. Demekhov, Y. Hobara, M. Hayakawa Generation of natural and artificial discrete ELF/VLF emissions in the magnetosphere 29
A.G. Demekhov, S.V. Isaev, P.P. Belyaev, J. Manninen, T. Turunen Modeling of the resonance spectral structure of atmospheric noise background in PC-1 frequency range 29
V.Y. Trakhtengerts, S.V. Isaev, A.G. Demekhov, S.V. Polyakov, P.P. Belyaev, V.O. Rapoport A mechanism of PC 1 pearl formation based on alfven sweep maser 29
N. Yagova, V. Martines-Bedenko Wave structure of multi-harmonic Pc3-5 pulsations and the reconstruction of the field-aligned plasma density profile 30
T.V. Romantsova, M.M. Mogilevsky, J. Hanazs Auroral kilometric radiation and geomagnetic activity: INTERBALL-2 measurements 30
D.L. Pasmanik, V.Y. Trakhtengerts Cyclotron interactions in the whistler waveguide 31
E.E. Titova, A.G. Yahnin, F. Jiricek, J. Smilauer, M.M. Mogilevsky, T.V. Romantsova, A.A. Rusanov, R. Smith, J.L. Rauch Dynamics of auroral electron acceleration region as revealed by auroral hiss 31
N.V. Semenova, J. Kangas, J. Kultima, J. Manninen, T. Turunen, A.G. Yahnin, E.E. Titova Statistical characteristics of the spectral resonance structures of electromagnetic background noise in the frequency range 0-4 Hz inferred from the auroral zone measurements 31
N.V. Koropalova, J. Kangas, J. Kultima, J. Manninen, T. Turunen, A.G. Yahnin Use of large data set for a study of geomagnetic pulsation morphology 32
V. Pilipenko, N. Yagova Statistical parameters of ULF noise as an instrument for the monitoring of geophysical phenomena 32
T. Bosinger, A. Kero, P. Pollari, A. Pashin, P. Belyaev, M. Rietveld, T. Turunen, J. Kangas Generation of artificial magnetic pulsation in the Pc1 frequency range by periodic heating of the Earth's ionosphere 33
E.V. Pchelkina, A.B. Pashin, E.G. Belova, W.B. Lyatsky, J. Manninen, E. Turunen Study of artificial signals in the ELF frequency range generated on the experiment on November 28, 1995 33

SESSION 4: Ionosphere
A.E. Stepanov, V.L. Khalipov, E.K. Zikrach, V.V. Afonin Ionospheric plasma blob characteristics on ground-based and satellite measurements 37
V.L. Khalipov, A.E. Stepanov, E.K.Zikrach The analysis of main ionospheric trough polar wall boundary in morning sector during magneto-quiet conditions 37
V.D. Tereshchenko, V.A. Tereshchenko Ion velocity distributions in the disturbed F-region of the polar ionosphere and consequences for generation of electrostatic instabilities 37
S.M. Chernyakov, I.I. Shagimuratov High latitude measurements of ionospheric TEC from GPS signals 38
A.A. Namgaladze, A.N. Namgaladze An attempt of reproducing the ionospheric tomography data using the global upper atmosphere model 38
A.A. Namgaladze, M. Foerster, R.Yu. Yurik Global ionosphere-thermosphere storm modeling 39
А.А. Боголюбов, В.A. Власков, О.Ф. Оглоблина Длиннопериодные вариации интенсивности частичных отражений в авроральной зоне 39
Т.Н. Лукичева, В.С. Мингалев Эффекты возмущенного термосферного ветра в высокоширотных E- и F1-областях в дневное время 40
S.S. Parfenov, V.L. Khalipov, D.D. Reshetnikov, A.E. Stepanov Large-scale plasma convection by D1 method measurements in depend on IMF By sign 40
E.E. Timofeev, M.K. Vallinkoski, J. Kangas, P. Pollari, T. Virdi, E. Nielsen, P.J. Williams Flow angle distribution of the ion and electron temperatures across the stationary cone of the primary modified farley-buneman waves 41
Г.И.Мингалева, В.С.Мингалев Роль термосферного ветра в формировании пространственной структуры высокоширотного F-слоя 41
В.С.Мингалев, Г.И.Мингалева Численное моделирование модификации высокоширотного F-слоя короткими волнами различной энергии 42
A. Osepian, S. Kirkwood, L. Borovkov, L. Lazutin Energy spectrum of the precipitatin electrons determined from N(h)-profiles as compared with direct measurements in magnetosphere 42
A.B. Pashin, N.A. Ryumochkina Numerical modelling of characteristic heating/cooling time constants 43
В.А. Турянский, А.А. Боголюбов, А.С. Елохов, И.Б. Беликов Измерения содержания NO2 в авроральной зоне 43
S.V. Leontyev, N.N. Bogdanov Behavior of the neutral vertical wind in the auroral zone 43
A.A. Danilov, V.D. Sokolov About dependence of the diurnal variation of auroral absorption on he IMF sign and the geomagnetic dipole orientation 43
V.A. Kuzmin, V.D. Sokolov, I.P. Bezrodnykh Change of riometric absorption frequency in the 22nd solar activity cycle 44
V.A. Kuzmin, V.D. Sokolov, I.P. Bezrodnykh Dynamics of the power spectrum of riometric absorption frequency in the solar activity cycle 44
V.G. Vlasov, G.O. Zhizhko Ion acceleration in the auroral thermal wave 44

SESSION 5: Aurora
I.B. Ievenko, V.L. Khalipov, V.N. Alexeyev, A.E. Stepanov Dynamical characteristics of the F layer at latitudes of SAR-arc formation region 47
В.А. Аринин, В.Р. Тагиров Триангуляция авроральных явлений: новый подход к определению пространственного распределения яркости 47
V.G. Vorobjev, O.I. Yagodkina, D.G. Sibeck, K. Liou, C.-I. Meng On a optical aurora conjugacy: simultaneous ground based and POLAR satellite observations 48
T. Kornilova, I. Kornilov, M. Pudovkin, O. Kornilov Two types of poleward expansion during auroral breakups 48
T. Kornilova, I. Kornilov, M. Pudovkin, O. Kornilov Dynamics of auroral arcs during the double breakups 48
I.A. Kornilov Some methods of TV data processing 49
I.A. Kornilov, T.A. Kornilova, O.I. Kornilov North-South correlation characteristics of different auroral forms 49
B.V. Kozelov Fractal approach to dynamics of auroral all-sky TV images 49
V. Safargaleev, S. Osipenko, A. Vasil'ev Multiple arcs within a double oval and Pi2-like magnetic disturbances on the ground 50
V.N. Alexeyev, I.B. Ievenko Occurrence rate of SAR-arcs during the 22nd solar activity cycle 50
I.B. Ievenko, V.N.Alexeyev Photometric observations of the 557.7 nm emission luminosity band at SAR-arc latitudes caused by the energetic particle precipitation 50

SESSION 6: Sun, Solar Wind, and Cosmic Rays
A.I. Podgorny A possibility of plasma cloud eruption from the solar corona - numerical simulation 53
I.M. Podgorny The mechanism of ralationship between solar flares and substorms 53
A.A. Galeev, A.M. Sadovski The solar wind acceleration by dissipation of Alfven waves 54
V.C. Roldugin, Yu.P. Maltsev, E.V. Vashenyuk, A.N. Vasiljev Decrease of the first Schumann resonance frequency during Solar Proton Events 54
A.A. Lubchich, M.I. Pudovkin Transmission of magnetohydrodynamic waves through the rotational discontinuity 54
В.В. Пчёлкин, Э.В. Вашенюк Сверхтонкая структура пенумбры и определение эффективной жёсткости обрезания космических лучей 54
В.В. Пчёлкин, Э.В. Вашенюк Эффекты квазидрейфа при распространении частиц СКЛ в диапазоне жесткостей пенумбры 55
Э.В. Вашенюк, В.В. Пчёлкин Релятивистские солнечные протоны в событии 2 мая 1998 г. по данным измерений нейтронными мониторами 55
T.A. Hviuzova, S.V. Leontyev Spectral characteristics of aurora during crossing the heliospheric current sheet 55
С.В. Шараева, М.Г. Гельберг, С.В. Кершенгольц Доминирование геоэффективности изолированного потока межпланетной плазмы от одного из солнечных источников во взаимодействующих потоках 56

SESSION 7: Atmosphere, Ozon, Biosphere
В.С. Белоголов, А.Н. Ткаченко Изменение общего содержания атмосферного озона в Мурманске за период 1971-1998 гг. 59
E.V. Kononovich, R.V. Smirnov On long term and quasi-biannual structure of the solar cycles in connection to Bruckners' meteorological cycle 59
A.I. Semenov, V.A. Sukhodoev Seasonal behaviour of the long-term temperature trends in the mesopause region by hydroxyl emission measurements 59
N.N. Shefov, N.N. Pertsev, O.T. Yurchenko Dependencies of the amplitude of temperature maximum at the atomic oxygen concentrations in the mesopause region versus seasons and solar activity level 60
Y.Y. Kulikov Variations of ozone at heights 30-50 km and solar proton events in polar latitudes 60
A.Yu. Karpechko, S.A. Roumiantsev, M.I. Beloglazov On sources of surface ozone in high latitude cites point Barrow and South pole 61
V.C. Roldugin, G.N. Nikulin, M.I. Beloglazov Latitudinal distribution of total ozone decrease after relativistic electron precipitation 61
V.C. Roldugin, K. Henriksen, G.N. Nikulin Quasi-periodic ozone movements 61
M.I. Beloglazov, V.S. Belogolov, G.N. Nikulin, V.C. Roldugin, A.N. Tkachenko Total ozone content over Kola peninsula in 1998 accordingly observations in Apatity, Murmansk and on satellites 62
R.V. Smirnov, E.V. Kononovich Quasi-biannual circulation in the atmosphere and the solar activity 62
Н.К. Белишева, Т.Л. Качанова, В.И. Немцов, В.В. Лебедева, Б.Ф. Фомин, И.А. Меркушев, Н.В. Петухова, И.Н. Январева, Т.И. Баранова, Г.В. Пятакова Воздействие геокосмических агентов на психо-физиологическое состояние организма человека 63
Н.К. Белишева, С.Е. Емелин, Л.Ю. Рябинина Связь флуктуаций геокосмических агентов с самоорганизацией живых систем 64
S. Chernouss, M. Kuznetsova, E. Vlassova Features of the geomagnetic disturbances impact on human health 64
E.A. Kasatkina, O.M. Raspopov O.I. Shumilov, E.V. Vashenyuk Ozone "MINIHOLES" in arctic created by solar protons 64
O.M. Raspopov, O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina, G.N. Petrova, V.A. Dergachev, K. Creer A link between the changes of geomagnetic field intensity and climate changes in the holocene 65
O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina, O.M. Raspopov, J. Kangas, V.A. Dergachev Solar cycle and global temperature changes 65
V.R. Tagirov, V.A. Arinin, V.V. Klimenko, A. Pajunpaa, U. Brandstrom Optical phenomena in the atmosphere caused by powered rocket launches 66
V. Budoviy, V. Medvedev, S. Horozov, V. Belogolov Physical-statistical modeling and long-term forecasting of weather in view of solar-terrestrial connections 66