27 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena"
Apatity, 2-5 March 2004
I.V. Despirak, A.G. Yahnin, A.A. Lubchich, A.B. Pashin and A.L. Kotikov Solar wind control of the substorm westward electrojet
N.P. Dmitrieva, V.A. Sergeev, M.A. Shukhtina Average parameters of the midtail plasma sheet during SMC and two different types of the magnetospheric substorm
V.L.Khalipov, V.F.Gubsky, V.V.Afonin, E.D.Bondar’,A.E. Stepanov SAR-arc characteristics in the region of ring current dissipation and during polarization jet development
N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyreva, J-J. Schott Unusual strong Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations during the great magnetic storms in October 2003
I.A. Kornilov, T.A. Kornilova, O.I. Kornilov Weak space and time variations of quiet arc brightness before breakup
I.A. Kornilov, T.A. Kornilova, O.I. Kornilov Subvisual travelling auroral structures
T. Kozelova, B. Kozelov, L. Lazutin, N. Meredith, M. Danielides, J. Jussila, and A. Korth Timing of substorm signatures in auroral ionosphere and magnetosphere during March 12, 1991
O.V. Kozyreva, N.G. Kleimenova, J.-J. Schott High-latitude geomagnetic pulsation (T~5-15 min) during a magnetic storm initial phase
A.A. Namgaladze, L.P. Goncharenko, Yu.V. Fadeeva, A.N. Namgaladze April 2002 magnetic storms: a comparison of the incoherent scatter radars data and the upper atmosphere model results
A.A. Namgaladze, E.N. Doronina April 2002 magnetic storms: a comparison of the MSISE2000 data and the upper atmosphere model results
A.A. Ostapenko, V.V. Pchelkin, Y.P. Maltsev Ring current in various models of a magnetic field
S.I. Solovyev, A.V. Moiseyev, K. Yumoto, M. Engebretson Global geomagnetic and auroral response to a sudden change of solar wind dynamic pressure at the onset of magnetic storm
V.R. Tagirov, C.W. Carlson, K. Liou Ground-based optical TV and satellite observations during two cases of auroral disturbances
E.E. Titova, A.G. Yahnin, О. Santolik, D.A. Gurnett, F. Jiricek, J. Smilauer, J.-L. Rauch, F. Lefeuvre, L.A. Frank, J.B.Sigwarth, M.M. Mogilevsky Relationship between the VLF hiss observed at high altitudes within the polar cap and auroral dynamics during substorms
V. Uritsky Scaling and predictability of substorm dynamics
O. Yagodkina, V. Vorobjev Auroral electron precipitation during substorm
V.E. Zakharov, N.M. Kaschenko, and D.V. Bekker Coupling between the ionospheric convection and the thermospheric circulation disturbed by magnetic storm
А.Б. Белецкий, Н.М. Грудинин, Ю.С. Караваев, Н.В. Костылева, В.А. Лукин, А.В. Михалев, М.А. Черниговская Результаты наблюдений среднеширотных сияний на юге Восточной Сибири во время больших геомагнитных бурь 29-31 октября и 20-21 ноября 2003г.
О. В. Мингалёв, И. В. Головчанская Численное моделирование развития перестановочной неустойчивости в области втекающего в ионосферу продольного тока в очаге суббури
А.Н. Данилин, М.Б. Баранник, Я.А. Сахаров Геоиндуктированные токи в нейтралях силовых трансформаторов системы Колэнерго
Н.Г. Сергеева, В.И. Ларкина, Б.В. Сенин Отражение глубинных разломов литосферы в наземных наблюдениях геомагнитного поля
Д.Ш. Ширапов, В.М. Мишин, С.Б. Ябжанова Закономерности изменения электрического поля в ионосфере в ходе суббури

H.K. Biernat, V.S. Semenov, N.V. Erkaev, S. Muhlbachler, D.F. Vogl Some aspects of magnetic field line reconnection
I.V. Getselev, A.V. Dmitriev, A.S. Kovtyukh, A.V. Pavlov, M.V. Podzolko, S.Ya. Reizman, E.N. Sosnovets, N.A. Vlasova Spatial distribution of helium, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen ion fluxes in Earth's magnetosphere
I. V. Golovchanskaya, Y. P. Maltsev Where do auroral arcs generate?
M.Yu. Goncharova, V.C. Roldugin, M.D. Looper Relativistic electron events in relation to some atmosphere parameters and ground magnetic variations
M.Yu. Goncharova Magnetic solar quiet variation feature observed at one of four low-latitude stations
I.B. Ivanov, V.S. Semenov, M.F. Heyn A general analytical solution of three dimensional time dependent magnetic reconnection in a compressible plasma
B.V. Kozelov, V.M. Uritsky Scale-free statistics of spatiotemporal auroral emissions observed by groundbased observations
Y.P. Maltsev Several tasks for postgraduate students
A.V. Moiseyev, S.I. Solovyev, K. Yumoto, M. Engebretson Formation and propagation of sudden geomagnetic impulse depending on orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field
A. A. Ostapenko, Y. P. Maltsev Search for the solar wind parameters controlling the Poynting flux into the high-latitude ionosphere
V.M. Reshetnyk, M.I. Dzubenko Influence of interplanetary magnetic field on auroral activity
V.S. Semenov, T. Penz, M.F. Heyn, I.B. Ivanov, I.V. Kubyshkin, H.K. Biernat, and V.V. Ivanova Reconstruction of the reconnection rate from magnetic field perturbations in an incompressible plasma
V.R. Tagirov Ground-based and satellite observations of proton arcs
D.F. Vogl, T. Penz, J.-M. Grießmeier, H. Lammer, N.V. Erkaev, G.F. Jaritz, M.G. Therany, H.K. Biernat, A. Hanslmeier, and W.W. Weiss Plasma and magnetic field parameters at bow shocks of short period extrasolar gas giants
M.A. Volkov, N. Yu. Romanova Numerical simulation of magnetosphere-ionosphere convection in high-latitude ionosphere
V. Vorobjev, O. Yagodkina Solar wind plasma density control of auroral ion precipitation
L.S. Yevlashin On some peculiarities of auroral emissions' intensity in the near UV and IR regions of the spectrum
V.L. Zverev, T.A. Hviuzova Variations of equatorward boundary of auroral luminosity connected with some types of nonstationary solar wind streams
И. В. Головчанская, Ю. П. Мальцев Особенности стратификации крупномасштабных продольных токов при северном межпланетном магнитном поле
Б.В. Козелов Калибровка интенсивности полярных сияний в ТВ данных при помощи одновременных наблюдений сканирующего фотометра

U.V. Amerstorfer, T. Penz, N.V. Erkaev, H.K. Biernat, H. Lammer Instability-induced momentum transfer at the Martian ionopause
T. Borisova, N. Blagoveshchenskaya, V. Kornienko, M. Rietveld, B. Thide, T. Leyser Distinguishing ionosphere effect observed by turn-on and turn-off of the Tromso HF heating facility
J. Chum, F. Jiricek, J. Smilauer, D. Shklyar Observation of whistler waves by MAGION 5 satellite
A. G. Demekhov and V. Y. Trakhtengerts Generation of discrete ELF/VLF emissions in magnetospheric cyclotron masers
I.A. Kornilov, J.S. Pickett, D.A. Gurnett, O. Santolik, and O.I. Kornilov Fine spectral and temporal structure of different VLF emissions observed by CLUSTER
B.V. Kozelov, E.E. Titova, О. Santolik Regimes and characteristics of ELF/VLF chorus emissions and their relationships with plasma parameters observed by CLUSTER satellites
H. Lichtenegger, J.A. Morente, B. Besser, K. Schwingenschuh, G.J. Molina-Cuberos, and J.A. Porti Numerical modelling of Schumann Resonances at Titan
Y.P. Maltsev, I.V. Golovchanskaya Ballooning instability on the open magnetic field lines
Y. P. Maltsev Difference in manifestations of Vitim and Tungus bolides
Y. P. Maltsev and V. C. Roldugin Estimate of triplet frequencies in the first mode Schumann resonance
A.B. Pashin, A.L. Kotikov, T. Yeoman, M.I. Pudovkin, A.A. Mochalov, A. Maulini, Yu.A. Kopytenko, T.I. Sergienko, H. Nilsson, M.T. Rietveld Cluster observation of electric field variations in the magnetosphere related with ionosphere HF heating
G.F. Remenets, V.V. Bondarenko The quantitative relation between the both varieties of VLF inverse problem solution with two free parameters
D.R. Shklyar, J. Chum, and F. Jiricek Numerical modelling of Nu whistlers observed by the MAGION 5 satellite
D. R. Shklyar, J. Chum, F. Jiricicek, J. Smilauer, and P. Triska Lightning-related VLF emissions in the magnetosphere – satellite observations and numerical modeling
V.D. Tereshchenko, O.F. Ogloblina, V.A. Tereshchenko, S.M. Chernyakov About registrations of undular perturbations in the polar lower ionosphere after Vitim meteorite explosion
V.D. Tereshchenko, N.V. Kalitenkov, V.A. Tereshchenko, S.M. Chernyakov Radio waves generation by Cherenkov-Vavilov process in the lower polar ionosphere
V.Y. Trakhtengerts Discrete ELF/VLF emissions in the Earth magnetosphere
V.E. Zakharov and D.V. Bekker Heat balance of turbulent magnetospheric plasma above the auroral ionosphere
V.E. Zakharov and D.V. Bekker Study of the current-driven electromagnetic ion-cyclotron instability in the plasma of auroral magnetosphere
С.И. Львов, В.А. Муллаяров, В.И. Козлов Наблюдения низкочастотных свистов на средних широтах
А. Любчич О граничных условиях на возмущенной ударной волне
О.В. Мингалев, И.В. Мингалев, В.C. Мингалев Двумерное численное моделирование эволюции мелкомасштабных неоднородностей в ионосферно-магнитосферной плазме
В.А. Муллаяров, С.И. Львов, В.И. Козлов Высокоширотные свисты по наблюдениям в Якутске
В.А. Муллаяров Об импульсных возмущениях стационарной генерации ОНЧ-излучения на различных широтах

I.V. Artamonova, M.I Pudovkin The long-term variations of North-Atlantic Oscillations index NAO and solar activity
I.V. Getselev, V.P. Okhlopkv, M.V. Podzolko, E. A. Chuchkov Proton energy spectra according to data from IMP-8
G.F. Jaritz, H. Lammer, D.F. Vogl, N. Erkaev, H.K. Biernat, W.W. Weiss XUV-driven hydrodynamic atmospheric expansion of hydrogen-rich giant exoplanets
E.V.Kononovich Middle variations of the solar activity cycles
A.M. Sadovski The induced scattering of Alfven waves in the fast solar wind
N.S. Svirzhevsky, A.K. Svirzhevskaya, G.A. Bazilevskaya, Y.I. Stozhkov North-South asymmetry of selected solar wind parameters in the near Earth space
E.V. Vashenyuk, Yu.V. Balabin, B.B. Gvozdevsky Relativistic Proton dynamics in the October-November 2003 GLEs
E.V. Vashenyuk, L.I. Miroshnichenko, and J. Perez-Peraza Efficiency of different mechanisms for solar particle acceleration in relativistic energy range
E.V. Vashenyuk, B.B. Gvozdevsky, Yu.V. Balabin Using of different magnetospheric models for analysis of relativistic cosmic ray events
Э.В. Вашенюк, Н.А. Мельник Вариации концентраций Ве-7 связанные с событиями СКЛ в стратосфере и на уровне земли
А. И. Подгорный, И. М. Подгорный О возможности использования фотосферных карт магнитного поля для прогноза солнечных вспышек
И. М. Подгорный, А. И. Подгорный Расширение солнечной короны и образование гелиосферного токового слоя
Т.А. Хвиюзова, С.В. Толочкина Вариации Bz-компоненты ММП для высокоскоростных потоков от экваториальных корональных дыр

T. Bosinger, A.G. Demekhov, A.A. Ostapenko, and V.Y. Trakhtengerts Fine structure in ionospheric/magnetospheric Alfven resonator spectra at low latitudes
V.A. Kornienko, N.B. Blagoveshchenskaya, T.D. Borisova, M.T. Rietveld The comparison of bistatic Doppler radar and EISCAT UHF radar data sets obtained during Tromsoe heating experiments with varied radiation zenith angle
A.A. Namgaladze, M.A.Knyazeva The role of the thermospheric winds and electric fields on the nighttime midlatitude electron density enhancement forming
V. Medvedev, E. Novikova Analytical model of [NO], Ne and Tn in the ionosphere D-region
V. Medvedev, S. Ishanov, E. Novikova Components excited state in the upper atmosphere
A. Odzimek, J. Kubisz, A. Kulak, A. Michalec, S. Zieba Spectral resonance structure of natural ULF magnetic field observed at L=2.0
Yu.A. Shapovalova, A.A. Namgaladze, A.N. Namgaladze, B.Z.Khudukon Satellite radio signal phase measurements and modeling for April 15-20, 2002 period
E. Timofeev, M. Vallinkoski, P. Pollari, J. Kangas, T. Bosinger Properties of the Ti and Te(h)-profiles in the vicinity of the anomalous layer of the ion-to-electron overheating
M. Uspensky, K. Kauristie, P. Janhunen, O. Amm, W. Schmidt, and R. Pirjola STARE/EISCAT velocity comparison in midnight-morning electron flows
А.Т. Карпачев, А.В. Телегина, В.А. Телегин Распределение вероятности F-рассеяния в области главного ионосферного провала для зимних околополуночных условий
Ю.В. Платов Эволюция твердой углекислоты в продуктах сгорания ракетных двигателей в условиях верхней атмосферы

V.I. Demin, M.I. Beloglazov, N.F. Elansky The dinamics of the ground-level ozone in the Kola Peninsula at different levels of man-made pollution
V.I. Demin, N.A. Melnik, E.V. Vashenyuk, A.A. Rayskich, M.I. Beloglazov The aerosol pollution in Apatity and its influence on tensity of electric field
V.I. Demin, M.I. Beloglazov, N.F. Elansky The ecological aspects of the ground-level ozone monitoring in the Kola Peninsula
A.V. Frank-Kamenetsky The features of variations of atmospheric electric field at Antarctic Vostok station
A. Janzhura and O. Troshichev Temperature alterations on the Antarctic ice sheet initiated by the disturbed solar wind
A.S. Kirillov Study of electronic and vibrational kinetics of main atmospheric components in middle atmosphere
V.V. Pchelkin, V.I. Demin On the changes of the total ozone content caused by Forbush decrease
V.C. Roldugin, L.A. Pershakov, A.V. Frank-Kamenetsky Electric field and electric current variations in Kola and Antarctica during solar proton events
V.C. Roldugin, L.A. Pershakov and S.A. Rumiantsev Changes of atmospheric electricity during dust nepheline storms in Apatity
V.C. Roldugin and S.A. Rumiantsev Origins of surface ozone diurnal variations
S.A. Rumiantsev and V.C. Roldugin Values of the ozone entrainment flux for simple box photochemical model
V.I. Salin, S.A. Chernouss, I.A. Balashov, A.V. Lukin Modified differential optical absorption spectroscopy system for low atmospheric components concentration measurements
N.N. Shefov, A.I. Semenov The longitudinal variations of the atomic oxygen emission of 557.7 nm
N.N. Shefov Some aspects of the solar-terrestrial physics
I. P. Yastrebov, Y.Y. Kulikov About influence of cosmic rays on the Earth ozone layer as observed by microwave radiometry
A. Zvyagintsev Possibility of a northern analog of the spring Antarctic ozone hole
A. Zvyagintsev Basic periodicity features of the time variation of surface ozone in Europe
И.В. Мингалев, В.С. Мингалев Влияние вращения Земли на формирование планетарной циркуляции нижней и средней атмосферы
В.И. Салин Особенности абсолютной калибровки фотометров свечения верхней атмосферы и рассеянного солнечного излучения

N.K. Belisheva, T.L. Kachanova, S.A. Chernouss, H. Lammer, H.K. Biernat, N.V. Kobysheva The analysis of ozone variations and connections with local and global geocosmical agents and the functional state of human organisms by systems reconstruction technology
S.A. Chernouss, H. Lammer, N.K. Belisheva, A. Berces, G. Kovacs, H. Biernat Coupled dosimetry as a powerful tool for the study of the biological affectivity due to solar UV and atmospheric ozone variations
P.A. Kashulin, N.V. Kalacheva Global synchronizing processes in the dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems in northern hemisphere
N.G. Kleimenova Schumann resonances and their possible biophysical effects
H. Lammer, A. Berces, G. Kovacs, Gy. Ronto, N.K. Belisheva, C.S . Cockell, G. Kargl, N.I. Komle and H.K. Biernat Photo-reversion caused by UV radiation: Life and the solar radiation on planetary environments with low ozone contents
S.N. Samsonov, V.D. Sokolov, A.A. Strekalovskaya, P.G. Petrova On the relationship of cardiovascular disease exacerbation to helio-geophysical disturbances
S.N. Samsonov, V.D. Sokolov, A.A. Strekalovskaya, P.G. Petrova On rythmic changes of the cardiovascular disease exacerbation and their relationship to heliogeophysical parameters
М.С. Лушнов, Е.Г. Головина, О.М. Ступишина Изучение корреляционных закономерностей биохимических параметров с многолетними вариациями геомагнитного поля