24 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena"
Apatity, 27 February - 2 March 2001
Sesion 1. Storms and substorms
I.I. Alexeev Energy transfer in the magnetosphere and substorm-storm relations
A.A. Arykov, Yu.P. Maltsev, I.V. Golovchanskaya Averaged behavior of the solar wind parameters in the vicinity of auroral breakups
I.V. Despirak, A.A. Lubchich, A.G. Yahnin High-latitude propagation of substorms under high-speed solar wind: Which other solar wind parameters affect the phenomenon?
N.P. Dmitrieva On the tail lobe pressure as global diagnostic parameter of magnetotail state
L.A. Dremukhina, Y.I. Feldstein Energetics of the magnetosphere during a quasi-substorm
V.L. Khalipov, Y.I. Galperin, A.E. Stepanov, L.V. Shestakova, E.D. Bondar' Polarization jet formation during a substorm brake up phase: Results of ground-based measurements
B.V. Kozelov, T.V. Kozelova Sandpile model analogy of the magnetosphere-ionosphere substorm activity
T.V. Kozelova, L.L. Lazutin, B.V. Kozelov Energetic particle bursts before the main substorm injection
Yu.P. Maltsev, I.V. Golovchanskaya, M.Yu.Goncharova Similarity and difference in the temporal behavior of the Dst, AE, and ASY indices
Yu.P. Maltsev, B.V. Rezhenov Statistical study of the Dst response to variations in the solar wind dynamic pressure
Osipenko S.V., Safargaleev V.V., Kozlovsky A.E. Azimuthal propagation of luminosity during multiple arc events
A.A. Ostapenko, Yu.P. Maltsev Estimate of the magnetotail current contribution to Dst
Е.А. Пономарев, В.Д. Урбанович Генерация электрических токов на фронте головной ударной волны, ответственных за аврорально–магнитную активность
V.A. Popov, A.E. Levitin Correction of the auroral electrojet indices on base of the high latitude geomagnetic variation model
V.A. Popov, S.A. Golyshev, A.E. Levitin Pc index analyses and its relation to auroral electrojet indices on base of the high latitude geomagnetic variation model
V.V. Shelomentsev A new approach to estimation of the electromagnetic energy flux into an open magnetosphere
V.V. Shelomentsev Study of isolated substorms and substorm sequences by the prediction filtering technique
L.V. Tverskaya The long-period DP-1 and DP-2 variation effects in radiation belts
В.А. Величко, Р.Н. Бороев, Д.Г. Баишев Локальное увеличение интенсивности продольных токов до начала взывной фазы суббури
В.А. Величко, Р.Н. Бороев, М.Г. Гельберг Азимутальная асимметрия областей втекающих и вытекающих из ионосферы продольных токов в момент начала взрывной фазы суббури
В.А. Величко, Р.Н. Бороев, Г.В. Борисов, Д.Г. Баишев Вариации яркости эмиссии 557,7 нм экваториальнее низкоширотной границы аврорального фонового свечения до начала брейкапа
L.S. Yevlashin, Yu.P. Maltsev The complex of helio-geophysical phenomena for three superstorms

Session 2. Fields, currents, and particles in the magnetosphere
E.S. Belenkaya Model of the Jovian magnetosphere
S.V. Dubyagin, V.A. Sergeev, M.V.Kubyshkina Plasma sheet pressure anisotropies
V.S. Semenov, S.A. Dyadechkin The motion thin flux tube near Kerr black hole
E.Yu. Feshchenko, Yu.P. Maltsev Dependence of the spatial distribution of ionospheric electric fields on various parameters
I.V. Golovchanskaya, Yu.P. Maltsev Spatial distribution of high latitude electric field irregularities
I.V. Golovchanskaya Strong electric field irregularities adjacent to the convection reversal boundaries
I.V. Golovchanskaya, Yu.P. Maltsev Multi-factor fitting of the convection reversal boundary position to solar wind parameters and geomagnetic indices
I.P. Golubev, Yu.P. Maltsev, B.V. Rezhenov Separation of the internal and external Dst fields with the use of high-latitude magnetic data
A. Kozlovsky and J. Kangas Motion and origin of the noon poleward moving auroral arcs
V.A. Kuzmin Relationship of pca events and energetic electron precipitations with fluxes of protons and relativistic electrons on the geostationary orbit
V.A. Kuzmin Energetic electron precipitation and convection electric field during the high speed solar wind streams
S.N. Kuznetsov, A.Yu. Rybakov The strong precipitation boundary of different energy particles under the Tsyganenko-89 magnitosphere model
S.N. Kuznetsov and B.Yu. Yushkov Magnetosphere size and geomagnetic activity at extreme values of the solar wind parameters
A.A. Lubchich, V.S. Smirnov The magnetospheric and ionospheric disturbances during the passage of the large-amplitude Alfven wave in the interplanetary medium
A.A. Lubchich, A.G. Yahnin, I.V. Despirak Far tail plasma sheet: Properties and correlation with solar wind parameters and geomagnetic disturbances
Lvova E.A. Critical values of parameter of pith-angle scattering particles in loss cone in the near-Earth magnetotail estimation
S.I. Solovyev, A.V. Moiseyev, G.A. Makarov, М. Engebretson, К. Yumoto Evolution of ionospheric current systems for the geomagnetic impulse si/sc by the magnetometer global network data
A.A. Ostapenko, Yu.P. Maltsev Differential responses of the magnetospheric magnetic field to changes of various solar wind parameters
A.V. Petlenko, P.M. Voronov Magnetic field distribution nearby high-conductive semi-infinite layer
V.A. Sergeev Recent results on the bursty bulk flows and their optical signatures
O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina, J. Kangas, A. Ranta, J. Manninen Anti-SCA caused by sudden magnetospheric expansions
M.A. Volkov, R.Yu. Yurik Ionospheric convection simulation for the conjugate ionospheres with the finite magnetic field-aligned conductivity
V.G. Vorobjev, O.I. Yagodkina Dependence of the midnight auroral precipitation structure on the IMF ecliptic plane orientation

Session 3. Waves and wave-particle interaction
A.G. Demekhov, A.A. Ostapenko The ionospheric Alfven resonator: comparison of analytical and numerical models
S.V. Isaev, A.G. Demekhov, V.Y. Trakhtengerts Numerical results for an alfven sweep-maser model of Pc1 pearls
V.S. Ismaguilov, Yu.A. Kopytenko, N.A. Semenov Sources of ULF geomagnetic variation located near plasmapause
V.S. Ismaguilov, Yu.A. Kopytenko, K. Hattori ULF Electromagnetic emissions connected with under sea bottom earthquakes
N.G. Kleimenova Substorm associated Pi3 geomagnetic pulsations
I.A. Kornilov Fine space and time structure of pulsating aurora and VLF-chorus emissions
B.V. Kozelov, E.E. Titova, V.Y. Trakhtengerts Dynamic cell models of VLF chorus generation
O.V. Kozyreva, N.G. Kleimenova, J. Manninen, A. Ranta Morning ionospheric disturbances in the high latitude triggered by the impact of the front edge of the magnetic cloud on January 10, 1997
B.V. Lundin, C. Krafft Ion type polarization of electron whistler wavefield
S.I. Solovyev, A.V. Moiseyev, D.G. Baishev, K. Yumoto, M. Engebretson Evidence of the Psi geomagnetic pulsations burst excitation as the direct response to the solar wind pressure pulses
A.V. Petlenko Instant breakup definition based on the local observations of geomagnetic field
A.M. Sadovski, A.A. Galeev Ion Weibel Instability in the Earth Neutral Sheet and Current Disruption Problem
V.V. Safargaleev, A.N. Vasil'ev, J. Kangas, and A. Kozlovsky Bursts of 1-2 Hz dayside micropulsations of rising frequency during sudden impulses of large amplitude
V.V. Safargaleev, A.N. Vasil'ev, J. Kangas, and A. Kozlovsky Some differences in the dayside magnetic pulsations of 0.1-5 Hz as inferred from BAB-LOZ-NUR magnetic array measurements
A.G. Yahnin, N.V. Semenova, A.A. Ostapenko, J. Manninen, J. Kangas, T. Turunen Morphology of the spectral resonant structures of the background electromagnetic noise in the ULF range at L=5.2
F. Jiricek, D.R. Shklyar, P. Triska The role of plasmapause in nonducted VLF wave propagation
E.E. Titova, B.V. Kozelov, F. Jiricek, J. Smilauer, A.G. Demekhov, V.Yu. Trakhtengerts VLF chorus emissions observed by MAGION 5 satellite in plasmapause region near magnetic equator
V.Y. Trakhtengerts Excitation of Alfven vortices in the ionospheric Alfven resonator
T.A. Yahnina, A.G. Yahnin, J. Kangas, J. Manninen, N.V. Koropalova Particle precipitation related to geomagnetic pulsations Pc1 and IPDP: similarity and difference

Session 4. Sun, solar wind, and cosmic rays
I.V. Getselev, V.I. Podzolko, S.A. Krasotkin The relation between solar activity and cosmic rays at the Earth orbit
L.I. Miroshnichenko, B. Mendoza, R. Perez-Enriquez Size distributions of solar proton events in 1955-1996
L.I. Miroshnichenko, B. Mendoza, R. Perez-Enriquez Energy spectra of accelerated solar protons from different sources: II. Source spectra and acceleration models
L.I. Miroshnichenko Astrophysical aspects in the studies of solar cosmic rays (review)
V.V. Pchelkin Morphology of energetic proton quasidrift motion in the geomagnetic field
A.I. Podgorny, I.M. Podgorny Solar flare and cme prediction from photospheric magnetic field measurements
I.M. Podgorny, A.I. Podgorny The mechanism of energy release and field-aligned current generation during substorms and solar flare
V.C. Roldugin, A.N. Vasiljev, Yu.P. Maltsev, A.Shvets, A.P. Nikolaenko, A.Yu. Schekotov Schumann resonance changes during solar proton event of 14 July, 2000
E.V. Vashenyuk, B.B. Gvozdevsky, V.V. Pchelkin The comparative analysis of 2.05.1998 and 14.07.2000 GLEs on data of closely spaced neutron monitor stations in Apatity and Oulu
E.V. Vashenyuk, A.B. Pashin, G.A. Petrova, I.V. Loseva, Kh. Fadel Ionization profiles created by energetic solar protons from the incoherent radar data

Session 5. Ionosphere and upper atmosphere
В.А. Аринин, В.Р. Тагиров Триангуляция авроральных явлений: новые методы исследования пространственного распределения яркости
E. Belova, P.B. Chilson, M. Rietveld, S. Kirkwood1 Artificially induced modulation of PMSE using the EISCAT heating facility
D.V. Blagoveshchensky, M.A. Sergeeva, P.A. Sinyansky Manifestation of substroms in the polar ionosphere by oblique sounding. Data in spring 1998
V.V. Bondarenko, G.F. Remenets Numerical analysis of the anomalous ionized ionosphere
L.P. Borovkov, S.A. Chernouss Auroral emission measurements by intensified CCD camera
T. Bosinger, G. Hussey, Ch. Haldoupis, A. Kozlovsky What can we learn from EISCAT CP1-data statistics?
Zh.V. Dashkevich, V.E. Ivanov, S.V. Leontyev, T.I. Sergienko, B.Z. Khudukon, O. Evstafiev, V.G. Korotkov, A.V. Roldugin The luminosity dynamics and precipitated particle flux characteristic during optical tomography experiment in February 1999
V.F. Grigorjev, E.K. Poltev, N.A. Ovchinnikov The sounding facility of the ionosphere on a base of the special designation HF radio station
A.S. Kirillov Application of quantum-mechanical approximations in the calculation of rate coefficients of electronic energy transfer processes in molecular collisions
A.L. Kotikov, O.I. Kornilov, A.B. Pashin Disturbances on November 19, 1998 heating experiment observed by Scandinavian ground-based complex
Kozelov V.P. About minimization of uncertainties of determination of winds and temperature in the upper atmosphere by data of a Fabri-Perot interferometer
S.V. Leontyev Measurements of the neutral wind in the auroral zone
Ю.В. Липко Неоднородная структура ионосферы по наблюдениям в Норильске
Г.И. Мингалева, В.С. Мингалев Численное изучение модификации высокоширотного F-слоя мощными короткими волнами с различными частотами в дневное время
A.A. Namgaladze, R.Yu. Yurik Upper atmosphere storm modeling
A.N. Namgaladze, O.V. Evstafiev, B.Z. Khudukon Comparison of F-region electron density observations by satellite tomography over Kola peninsula in January-May 1999 with model studies
М.И. Орлова, Т.Н. Лукичева, В.С. Мингалев Модельное исследование влияния главного ионосферного провала на наклонное распространение коротких волн вдоль субавроральной радиотрассы
A.B. Pashin, A.L. Kotikov Magnetic disturbances related with ionosphere HF heating
V.C. Roldugin, V.D. Tereshchenko, Ye.B. Vasiljev, S.M Chernyakov, S. Kirkwood Correspondence between noctilucent clouds and PMSE observed by partial reflection radar
N.Yu. Romanova, E.D. Tereshchenko, M.O. Kozlova Cross-field anisotropy of small-scale irregularities as compared with model ionospheric convection
T. Sergienko, B. Gustavsson, Е. Steen, U. Brondstrom, M. Rietveld, and F. Honary On the mechanism of enhanced 630.0 nm airglow induced by powerful electromagnetic waves transmitted from the ground
I.I. Shagimuratov, I.I. Ephishov, J. Cisak, A. Krankowski TEC fluctuations at auroral ionosphere derived from GPS measurements
V.D. Tereshchenko, E.B. Vasiljev, M.V. Yakimov, V.A.Tereshchenko, A.M.Tarichenko The radar observations of the lower polar ionosphere during the solar eclipse of 1999 August 11
V.D. Tereshchenko, V.A. Tereshchenko, E.B. Vasiljev, A.M. Tarichenko The radar measurements of electron density in the lower ionosphere
V.D. Tereshchenko, O.F. Ogloblina, E.B. Vasiljev, V.A. Tereshchenko The study of undular perturbations in the lower polar ionosphere
E.E. Timofeev, M.K. Vallinkoski, J. Kangas, P. Pollari, T. Virdi, P.J. Williams, E. Nielsen The ion and electron temperatures across the quasi-stationary cone of the unstable plasma waves
M. Uspensky, G. Starkov, A. Fabirovsky, O. Amm, K. Kauristie, P. Eglitis, N. Partamies A Backscatter "Hole" Inside a Quiet-Time Auroral Oval as observed by SuperDARN Radars and DMSP Instruments
M.V. Yakimov, V.D. Tereshchenko, E.B. Vasiljev Study of the irregular structure of the lower polar ionosphere
M.V. Yakimov, E.B. Vasiljev A processing of partial radioreflection spaced receiving data by the generalized correlation analysis
M.V. Yakimov, E.B. Vasiljev The intensive partial radioreflections observation on the wind field local irregularity

Session 6. Low atmosphere, ozone
R.N. Abidulin, V.F. Grigorjev The radar for an atmosphere monitoring
M.I. Beloglazov, A.A. Galakhov, A.Yu. Karpechko, L.A. Pershakov, A.V. Roldugin, V.C. Roldugin, S.A. Roumyantsev, V.A. Shishaev Influence of anthropogenic nitrogen oxides on surface ozone content at stagnation periods
E. Belova, S. Kirkwood Atmospheric electricity investigations at IRF, Kiruna, Sweden
L.S. Ivlev Polar aerosols complex research results and perspectives
E.A. Kasatkina, O.I. Shumilov, E. Kyro, V.A. Turyansky NO2 column variations during May 1998 solar proton event from ground-based measurements at high latitudes
V.V. Kostsov, V.G. Sirota Anomalous diurnal variation of surface ozone concentration in St. Petersburg
A.A. Krаsilnikov, Y.Y. Kulikov, V.G. Ryskin On connection between variations of ozone and polar stratospheric clouds over the Kola peninsula (the results of microwave measurements)
Y.N. Kulikov On the modeling of nitric oxide diurnal variations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere under undisturbed conditions
А.Д. Лыков, Е.Н. Кадыгров Использование микроволнового радиометрического метода для исследования температурной стратификации атмосферы
И.В. Мингалев, В.С. Мингалев Численная глобальная модель горизонтаьного и вертикального ветра в нижней и средней атмосфере
G.N. Nikouline Summer wave dynamics in middle and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere
O.I. Shumilov, G. Jacoby, E.A. Kasatkina, E. Kyro, E. Turunen, I.J. Kirstidely, O.M. Raspopov, R. Kivi Long-term temperature trends in Northern Siberia and Lapland inferred from tree-rings
G. Kruchenitsky, A. Zvyagintsev Total ozone evolution in the northern mid- and high latitudes
A. Zvyagintsev, G. Kruchenitsky Evolution of antarctic ozone hole: 1979-2000
A. Zvyagintsev, I. Kuznetsova Surface ozone in Moscow environs: 1991-2000

Session 7. Biosphere
S. Chernouss, O. Benkevich Individual heart rate variability and geomagnetic disturbances
P.A. Kashulin, P.M. Zhiboedov, G.D. Katayev, N.G. Berlina Large-scale spatial correlation between multiannual fluctuations in some terrestrial biological processes may be explained by exogenous driving factors
P.A. Kashulin, P.M. Zhiboedov Bioassay for monitoring of background geoheleophysical environment
P.K. Ivanona, N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyreva Seasonal variation of the infarct ion mortality in Bulgaria