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Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms
Fields, Currents, Particles in the Magnetosphere
Waves, Wave-Particle Interaction
The Sun, Solar Wind, Cosmic Rays
Ionosphere and Upper Atmosphere
Low Atmosphere, Ozone
10 last submitted abstracts

Lake Endeshaw
The Atmospheric Oxygen, Hydrogen and Helium Responses for the Extreme Geomagnetic Storm of 11 May 2024 over Different Regions
Anton Artemyev
Acceleration and losses of energetic electrons during substom injections
Polar Geophysical Institute RAS
184209 Apatity Murmansk region
Akademgorodok 26a
Program committee:
Dr. I.V. Mingalev (Chairman, PGI, Apatity)
Dr. A.A. Lubchich (V.C., PGI, Apatity)
Dr. B.V. Kozelov (PGI, Apatity)
Dr. A.G. Demekhov (IAP RAS/PGI, Nizhny Novgorod/Apatity)
Dr. I.I. Alexeev (SINP MSU, Moscow)
Dr. V.V. Kalegaev (SINP MSU, Moscow)
Dr. M.V. Klimenko (West Department of IZMIRAN RAS, Kaliningrad)
Dr. V.V. Mishin (ISTP SB RAS, Irkutsk)
Dr. A.A. Petrukovich (SRI, Moscow)
Dr. V.A. Pilipenko (IPE RAS, Moscow)
Dr. V.S. Semenov (St Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg)
Dr. V.A. Sergeev (St Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg)
Dr. E.V. Rozanov (Davos World Radiation Centre, Davos, Switzerland)
Organizing committee:
Dr. Andrey Demekhov (Chairman)
Dr. Andris Lubchich
Dr. Irina Despirak
Dr. Boris Gvozdevsky
Dr. Konstantin Orlov
Tatyana Popova
Pavel Setsko