32 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena"
Apatity, 3-6 March 2009
ISBN 978-5-91137-101-2
E.E. Antonova, I.P. Kirpichev, I.A. Kornilov, T.A. Kornilova, K.G. Orlova, I.L. Ovchinnikov,
S.S. Pulinets, S.S. Rossolenko, M.V. Stepanova, V.V. Vovchenko
Features of high latitude magnetospheric topology and magnetospheric substorm 9
E. Gordeev, V. Sergeev Magnetotail magnetic flux calculation using global MHD simulations 17
N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyreva Recovery phase of the superstrong magnetic storm of July 15-17, 2007 (Bastille day event): ULF pulsations 21
M.V. Klimenko, V.V. Klimenko Simulation of main ionospheric trough, light ion trough and polar cap patches during substorms 25
T.A. Kornilova, I.A. Kornilov Auroral dynamics at different stages of storm recovery phase versus the strength of the main phase 29
O. Kozyreva and N. Kleimenova ULF-index variations during strong magnetic storms 33
A.E. Levitin, L.A. Dremukhina, L.I. Gromova, N.G. Ptitsina Model of magnetic disturbances during the historic extreme magnetic storm of 1-2 September 1859 37
S.I. Solovyev, R.N. Boroyev, A.V. Moiseyev, A. Du, K. Yumoto Evolution of geomagnetic perturbations and aurora dynamics during the strong magnetic storms events 41
M.A. Volkov The influence of electric field increasing on the substorm currents formation 45
V.L. Zverev, Ya.I. Feldstein, V.G. Vorobjev Visual luminosity equatorwards of the auroral oval during magnetic storms 48

O.M. Barkhatova, P.A. Bespalov, A.E. Levitin Connection of time-spatial variations of geomagnetic field horizontal components with the plasmapause form on recovery phase 55
M. Forster, Y.I. Feldstein, S.E. Haaland, L.A. Dremukhina, L.I. Gromova, A.E. Levitin Ionospheric convection from CLUSTER EDI measurements: comparison with the ground-based IZMEM ionospheric convection model 59
T.V. Kozelova, L.L. Lazutin, B.V. Kozelov Ion energy spectra at L ~ 3.6 - 6.7 during disturbed geomagnetic conditions 63
O. Kozyreva, I. Myagkova, E. Antonova, N. Kleimenova Energetic electron precipitation measured by CORONAS-F satellite and polar magnetic disturbances: case study of December 13, 2003 67
A. Levitin, L. Dremukhina, L. Gromova, E. Avdeeva The contribution of the external geomagnetic field to the average amplitude of the Earth's magnetic field recorded by a magnetic observatory 71
A.V. Moiseyev, S.I. Solovyev, A. Du Peculiarities of traveling convection vortices propagation: Comparison with sudden geomagnetic impulse 75
V.V. Vovchenko, E.E. Antonova Magnetic field distortion in the process of plasma convection in the magnetosphere of the Earth: Preliminary results of modeling 79

V.B. Belakhovsky, V.A. Pilipenko, T. Ulich Generation of magnetic and particle Pc5 pulsations at the recovery phase of strong magnetic storm 85
V. Pilipenko, O. Chugunova, M. Engebretson, T. Yeoman, and M. Vellante Mechanisms of the Cusp-related Pc3-4 Waves 89
T.A. Popova, A.G. Yahnin, T.A. Yahnina, and H.U. Frey Relationship between solar wind pressure pulses, proton aurora flashes, and Pc1 bursts: A statistical study 93
A.G. Yahnin, T.A. Yahnina, H.U. Frey, T. Bosinger Ionospheric image of the source region of the IPDP type magnetic pulsations 97
T.A. Yahnina and J. Manninen Some properties of the IPDP type magnetic pulsations 101

N.A. Glotova, M.A. Shukhtina Solar wind dynamic pressure jumps characteristics and their magnetospheric effects 107
I.M. Ivanova, N.P. Dmitrieva The magnetosphere time response to the IMF Bz turning 111
M.S. Kalinin, M.B. Krainev Model of the heliospheric current sheet of finite thickness 115
E.A. Kalinina, N.A. Barkhatov, A.E. Levitin The short-term forecast of solar wind magnetic cloud parameters reaching vicinity of the Earth 119
A.I. Podgorny, I.M. Podgorny The method of search for possible solare flare positions in the corona and first results of real-time MHD simulation of preflare situation 123
I.M. Podgorny, A.I. Podgorny Solar flare model - comparison with complex spacecrafts observation 127
T.E. Val'chuk The beginning of new 24th cycle in solar and geomagnetic activity generation 131

O.M. Barkhatova, N.A. Barkhatov, G.I. Grigor'ev Display of magneto-gravity waves caused by polar instability in travelling ionospheric disturbances 137
M.I. Beloglazov, M.V. Kukovyakin, G.F. Remenets About solving ability of the self-consistent method relative to the VLF inverse problem at nonstationary conditions 141
M.I. Beloglazov, G.F. Remenets VLF characteristics of magnetic cutoff in the cases of ultrarelativistic electron precipitations 145
N.M. Gavrilov Global structure of gravity wave excitation in the tropo-stratosphere from champ satellite observations and its impact on general circulation of the upper atmosphere 150
V.V. Klimenko, Yu.V. Shlyugayev, A.G. Vyatkin Planetary number of lightnings detection by statistical analysis of electromagnetic noise in Schumann band characteristics 154
M.V. Klimenko, V.V. Klimenko Numerical modeling of the ionosphere effects on August 1, 2008 solar eclipse 158
M.V. Klimenko, V.V. Klimenko, K.G. Ratovsky, L.P. Goncharenko Numerical modeling of ionospheric parameters during sequence of geomagnetic storms on September 9-14, 2005 162
M.V. Klimenko, V.V. Klimenko Numerical modeling of the ionospheric precursors of high-latitude earthquakes 166
G.I. Mingaleva, V.S. Mingalev Model simulation of the large-scale mid-latitude F-layer modification by powerful HF waves with different powers in the daytime 170
A.A. Mochalov, T.K. Yeoman, A.B. Pashin Generation of artificial magnetic pulsation by SPEAR heating facility at Svalbard 174
G.F. Remenets "Watson-Fock diffraction field" and ultrarelativistic electron precipitations into the polar middle atmosphere 178
N.G. Sergeeva, O.F. Ogloblina, E.B. Vasiljev, S.M. Cherniakov Responses to the earthquakes in the lower high-latitude ionosphere 181
V.D. Tereshchenko, E.B. Vasiljev, V.A. Tereshchenko, O.F. Ogloblina, S.M. Cherniakov About the polar lower ionosphere behavior during the solar eclipse on 1 August 2008 185
V.D. Tereshchenko Thomson scattering of electromagnetic waves in polar mesosphere containing the charged dust 189

M.I. Beloglazov, O.I. Akhmetov, A.N. Vasiljev Global thunderstorm activity during 2001 and 2007 according to observations of the Schumann resonance intensity in the arctic 195
N.M. Gavrilov, S. Fukao, M. Fujiwara, H. Hashiguchi, T. Koide, Mamoru Yamamoto and Masayuki Yamamoto Ozone and turbulence in the tropo-stratosphere from simultaneous radar and ozonesonde measurements in Japan and Indonesia 199
I.V. Mingalev, K.G. Orlov, and V.S. Mingalev A simulation study of the transformation of circumpolar vortex flows of the lower and middle atmosphere during the period from January to June 203
I.N. Myagkova, A.V. Kukoleva, A.A. Krivolutsky, T.Yu. Vyushkova, A.A. Kuminov The ionization of the Earth's atmosphere and ozone layer's variations after solar proton events during January 2005 207
O.S. Ugolnikov, I.A. Maslov Lunar eclipses optical profiles: Aerosol, water vapor and ozone relations 211
O.S. Ugolnikov, I.A. Maslov Polarization detection of dust and aerosol in the middle and upper atmosphere 215

T.G. Kuznetsova, V.V. Ivanov, E.S. Gorshkov On the problem of the cardiovascular system and respiration comparative adaptation in changing climate-geographical region and acute infectious disease 221