29 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena"
Apatity, 27 February - 3 March 2006
ISBN 5-91137-009-3
  Preface 9
  In memory of Yuri Pavlovich Maltsev 10
  Sergey Ivanovich Isayev (on the centenary of his birth) 11
N.A. Barkhatov, A.E. Levitin, O.M. Tserkovniuk Analysis of the relation of the SYM, ASYM indices of the ring current magnetic field to the AE (AU, AL) indices 17
R.N. Boroyev, A.Du, S.I. Solovyev, W.-Y. Xu, G.-X. Chen, V.A. Velichko Influence of IMF By on the location of western electrojets during the magnetic storm on Nov. 9-10, 2004 21
Y.I. Feldstein, V.A. Popov, J.A. Cumnock, A. Prigancova, L.G. Blomberg, J.U. Kozyra, B.T. Tsurutani, L.I. Gromova, A.E. Levitin Auroral electrojets and 3D currents in the ionosphere-magnetosphere system 25
M.V. Klimenko, V.V. Klimenko, V.V. Bryukhanov Numerical modeling of auroral electrojet during geomagnetic disturbances 31
M.V. Klimenko, V.V. Klimenko, V.V. Bryukhanov Numerical modeling of auroral electrojet during geomagnetic disturbances with particle precipitation included 36
I.A. Kornilov, O. I. Kornilov, Yu.V. Fedorenko, E.V. Pigin,D. Wright, T. Yeoman Searching of optical effects induced by ionospheric HF heating 40
B.V. Kozelov, L.P. Borovkov, T.V. Kozelova Proton precipitation during a small substorm on December 16, 2004 44
B.V. Kozelov, K. Rypdal Intermittence in auroral fluctuations during substorm 48
A.E. Levitin, L.A. Dremukhina, L.I. Gromova, E.G. Avdeeva, D.I. Korzhan DST-index models: Physical and mathematical aspects of modeling 52
T. Penz, V.S. Semenov, M.F. Heyn, V.V. Ivanova, I.B. Ivanov, H.K. Biernat, C.J. Farrugia, F. T. Gratton Wave structures excited in compressible Petschek-type magnetic reconnection 57
I.I. Shagimuratov, I.I. Efishov, Yu.Ya. Ruzhin, N.Yu. Tepenitsyna Storm-time occurrence of TEC fluctuations associated with polar patches using GPS measurements 61
L.S. Yevlashin Short-term variations of the intensity of Ha hydrogen emission of auroras during the onset of auroral substorm 61

I.V. Artamonov, E.V.Vasilyeva, A.A. Namgaladze, O.V. Martynenko On the electric potential pattern corresponding to Region 2 field-aligned currents derived from the DE2 satellite measurements 71
N.A. Barkhatov, A.E. Levitin, S.E. Revunov The monitoring of the polar cap spatial dynamics based on the data from the Greenland chain of magnetic observatories 75
N.P. Dmitrieva Cross-tail fast flows and their relation to BBFs in the plasma sheet 79
L.I. Gromova, L.A Dremukhina, A.E. Levitin, E.G. Avdeeva, D.I. Korzhan SSt-analysis of hourly geomagnetic field values to determine the variations caused by the Main magnetic field of the Earth and solar activity cycle 84
W. Hausleitner, G. Kirchner, E. Cristea On the determination of AJISAI's spin parameters from Graz kHz-SLR data 88
D.B. Korovinskiy, V.S. Semenov, N.V. Erkaev Theoretical model of steady-state magnetic reconnection in the electron Hall magnetohydrodynamics approximation 92
T.V. Kozelova, L.L. Lazutin, B.V. Kozelov, N. Meredith Substorm low-energy particle decrease near the inner edge of the plasma sheet 96
A.E. Levitin, L.I. Gromova, L.A. Dremukhina Current systems of large-scale geomagnetic variations: Evolution of modeling 100
L.L. Lazutin, S.N. Kuznetsov Study of the solar proton belts in the inner magnetosphere 105
A.A. Petrukovich, T.-L. Zhang, W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, A. Runov, A. Balogh Slipping deformation of the plasma sheet magnetic structure 108
S.I. Solovyev, A.V. Moiseyev, K. Yumoto, M. Engebretson, A. Du The character of geomagnetic and auroral response to solar wind dynamic pressure variations and the dynamics of particles injected into the magnetosphere 112
S.I. Solovyev, A.V. Moiseyev, M. Engebretson, K. Yumoto, A. Du Geomagnetic sudden impulse characteristics in dependence of the IMF orientation 116

O.M. Chugunova, V.A. Pilipenko, M.J. Engebretson, A. Rodger Seasonal and diurnal dependences of Pc3 and Pc4 geomagnetic pulsation power at very high latitudes 123
I.V. Golovchanskaya, O.V. Mingalev Propagation of the ballooning waves in the Earth's magnetotail 126
H. Lichtenegger, J.A. Morente, B.P. Besser, J. A. Port, A. Salinas, H.K. Biernat On the altitude dependence of Schumann resonance frequencies 133
B.V. Kozelov, E.E. Titova, F. Honary, S. Marple Principal component analysis of simultaneous IRIS and TV observations of pulsating patches 137
B.V. Kozelov, A.G. Demekhov, E.E. Titova, V.Y. Trakhtengerts, O. Santolik, E. Macusova, D.A. Gurnett and J.S. Pickett Variations of chorus source location deduced from fluctuations of ambient magnetic field: Comparison of Cluster data and the backward-wave oscillator model 141
V.A. Martines-Bedenko, V.A. Pilipenko, F. Christiansen, J.F. Watermann Correspondence between near-noon ULF wave activity and field-aligned currents 145
O.G. Onishchenko, O.A. Pokhotelov, M.A. Balikhin, R.A. Treumann Magnetosonic solitons in high-b non-Maxwellian space plasmas 149
O.A. Pokhotelov, O.G. Onishchenko, M.A. Balikhin Shell distribution instability upstream terrestrial bow shock 153
O.A. Pokhotelov, O.G. Onishchenko, M.A. Balikhin, R.A.Treumann, S.I. Shatalov Properties of nonlinear low-frequency waves in high-b space plasmas: Kinetic and fluid description 156
A. Schekotov, O. Molchanov, N.Yagova, E. Fedorov, V.Chebrov, V. Sinitsin, E. Gordeev, G. Belyaev, M. Hayakawa Seismic activity in Kamchatka and the parameters of natural ULF/ELF emissions 161
T.A. Yahnina, A.G. Yahnin, A.I. Voronin, T. Bösinger A case study of the proton precipitation related to Pc2 pulsations 165
N.A. Zolotukhina, J. Cao, O.M. Chugunova On the "convective" model of IPDP generation 169

N.A. Barkhatov, S.E. Revunov Classification of abrupt changes of the interplanetary medium parameters by a method of artificial neural networks 175
I.V. Getselev, V.P. Okhlopkov, M.V. Podzolko Solar cosmic ray proton fluxes in the Earth's orbit 179
S.N. Karpov, Z. M. Karpova, L.I. Miroshnichenko, E.V. Vashenyuk The muon bursts with energy above 200 GeV recorded during GLE events 183
Z.M. Karpova, S.N. Karpov and A.B. Chernyaev Using the extensive air shower detectors for study of solar cosmic rays 187
M.B. Krainev, A.V. Belov, R.T. Gushchina, V.G. Yanke On the long-term variations of the medium energy galactic cosmic ray intensity according to the balloon and neutron monitor data collected in the Kola Peninsula and in Moscow region 191
M.B. Krainev On the behavior of the medium energy galactic cosmic ray intensity in the outer heliosphere 195
A.A. Lubchich, I.V. Despirak Transmission of Alfven waves through a strong shock wave 199
A.I. Podgorny, I.M. Podgorny, N.S. Meshalkina Current sheet of solar corona is the source of solar flare radio emission 203
I.M. Podgorny, A. I. Podgorny Hard X-rays generation at a solar flare 207
T.E. Val'chuk Seasonal variation of the geomagnetic disturbance as inferred from the analysis of the aa-index and solar activity 211

U. Brändström, I. Sandahl, T. Sergienko, A. Pellinen-Wannberg, B. Gustavsson, M. Rietveld, T. Aso and Å. Steen ALIS - highlights, status and future plans 217
E.N. Ermakova, D.S. Kotik and S.V. Polyakov The broad spectral maximum in low frequency background magnetic noise 221
M.A. Knyazeva, A.A. Namgaladze A model study of seasonal and solar activity variations of the enhanced electron density regions in the night-time ionospheric F2-layer and plasmasphere 225
Y.N. Kulikov, H. Lammer, H.I. M. Lichtenegger, T. Penz, and H.K. Biernat Solar radiation and particle induced effects on the early Martian atmosphere and loss 229
O.V. Martynenko, M.M. Gladkikh, I.V. Artamonov Application of the object-oriented approach in upper atmosphere modeling 234
A.A. Namgaladze, E.N. Doronina, M. Förster The role of electric fields and magnetospheric electron precipitations for the formation of the equatorial total mass density minimum 238
A.B. Pashin and A.A. Mochalov Influence of neutral spices on the artificial magnetic pulsations excitation 241
A.I. Semenov, N.N. Shefov, V.A. Sukhodoev Re-analysis of the long-term hydroxyl rotational temperature trend according to measurements in Spitsbergen 245
A.I. Semenov, N.N. Shefov Long-term variations of temperature and structure of the middle atmosphere within the last century 250
N.G. Sergeeva, E.B. Vasilyev, O.F. Ogloblina Study of the parameters of high latitude ionosphere by method of space-diversity reception 254
V.D. Tereshchenko, O.F. Ogloblina, V.A. Tereshchenko, E.B. Vasiljev, A.P. Osepian, S. M. Chernyakov Reaction of the lower polar ionosphere to X-class solar flares in January 2005 258
V.D. Tereshchenko, E.B. Vasiljev, O.F. Ogloblina, V.A. Tereshchenko, S.M. Chernyakov An ionospheric effect of lunar echo from a space gamma-ray flare 262

A.V. Agapitov, A.M. Evtushevsky, A.V. Grytsai, G.P. Milinevsky Planetary scale Rossby waves in the total ozone over the south polar region 269
A.I. Akhmetov, Yu.V. Fedorenko, M.I. Beloglazov, V.A. Shishaev Some results of atmospheric currents and acoustic-gravitational waves measurements in Apatity 273
M.I. Beloglazov, L.A. Pershakov, G.P. Beloglazova About the change of atmospherics intensity in ELF-range during Forbush-decreases of galactic cosmic rays 277
V.I. Demin ,Yu.L. Zyuzin On climatic changes in the Khibiny mountains (Kola Peninsula, Russia) 281
V.I. Demin, A.M.Zvyagintsev, I.N. Kuznetsova, O.A. Tarasova On the international and Russian hygienic regulations for ozone content in the surface layer 285
V.I. Demin, N.F. Elansky, I.A. Senik Changes of ozone concentration at the Kislovodsk mountain observatory during the foehns caused by the air crossing of the Great Caucasian ridge 289

P.A. Kashulin, N.V. Kalachveva Short-term cycles in terrestrial ecosystems and possible biological significance of quasi-biennial oscillations 295
A.E Levitin, L.A. Dremukhina, L.I. Gromova, E.G. Avdeeva, D.I. Korzhan Quantitative description of geomagnetic activity for study of heliogeomagnetic factors influence on the biosphere 299
S.I Mazukhina, D.B. Denisov Reconstruction of ionic composition of natural waters, formed within the Khibiny massif 301
I.N. Perminova, E.V. Perminova, M.N. Yakovleva, A.L. Kosova The influence of geomagnetic fields on human cells ability for repairing DNA damage 305
S. Chernouss, N. Perevozchikov, V. Shishaev, O. Antonenko, A. Mikhaylov, N. Belisheva Investigation of sensitivity and noise characteristics of the bio-effective UV radiation sensor in field conditions 308