| Preface
| 9
| In memory of Yuri Pavlovich Maltsev
| 10
| Sergey Ivanovich Isayev (on the centenary of his birth)
| 11
N.A. Barkhatov, A.E. Levitin, O.M. Tserkovniuk
| Analysis of the relation of the SYM, ASYM indices of the ring current magnetic field to the AE (AU, AL) indices
| 17
R.N. Boroyev, A.Du, S.I. Solovyev, W.-Y. Xu, G.-X. Chen, V.A. Velichko
| Influence of IMF By on the location of western electrojets during the magnetic storm on Nov. 9-10, 2004
| 21
Y.I. Feldstein, V.A. Popov, J.A. Cumnock, A. Prigancova, L.G. Blomberg, J.U. Kozyra, B.T. Tsurutani, L.I. Gromova, A.E. Levitin
| Auroral electrojets and 3D currents in the ionosphere-magnetosphere system
| 25
M.V. Klimenko, V.V. Klimenko, V.V. Bryukhanov
| Numerical modeling of auroral electrojet during geomagnetic disturbances
| 31
M.V. Klimenko, V.V. Klimenko, V.V. Bryukhanov
| Numerical modeling of auroral electrojet during geomagnetic disturbances with particle precipitation included
| 36
I.A. Kornilov, O. I. Kornilov, Yu.V. Fedorenko, E.V. Pigin,D. Wright, T. Yeoman
| Searching of optical effects induced by ionospheric HF heating
| 40
B.V. Kozelov, L.P. Borovkov, T.V. Kozelova
| Proton precipitation during a small substorm on December 16, 2004
| 44
B.V. Kozelov, K. Rypdal
| Intermittence in auroral fluctuations during substorm
| 48
A.E. Levitin, L.A. Dremukhina, L.I. Gromova, E.G. Avdeeva, D.I. Korzhan
| DST-index models: Physical and mathematical aspects of modeling
| 52
T. Penz, V.S. Semenov, M.F. Heyn, V.V. Ivanova, I.B. Ivanov, H.K. Biernat, C.J. Farrugia, F. T. Gratton
| Wave structures excited in compressible Petschek-type magnetic reconnection
| 57
I.I. Shagimuratov, I.I. Efishov, Yu.Ya. Ruzhin, N.Yu. Tepenitsyna
| Storm-time occurrence of TEC fluctuations associated with polar patches using GPS measurements
| 61
L.S. Yevlashin
| Short-term variations of the intensity of Ha hydrogen emission of auroras during the onset of auroral substorm
| 61
I.V. Artamonov, E.V.Vasilyeva, A.A. Namgaladze, O.V. Martynenko
| On the electric potential pattern corresponding to Region 2 field-aligned currents derived from the DE2 satellite measurements
| 71
N.A. Barkhatov, A.E. Levitin, S.E. Revunov
| The monitoring of the polar cap spatial dynamics based on the data from the Greenland chain of magnetic observatories
| 75
N.P. Dmitrieva
| Cross-tail fast flows and their relation to BBFs in the plasma sheet
| 79
L.I. Gromova, L.A Dremukhina, A.E. Levitin, E.G. Avdeeva, D.I. Korzhan
| SSt-analysis of hourly geomagnetic field values to determine the variations caused by the Main magnetic field of the Earth and solar activity cycle
| 84
W. Hausleitner, G. Kirchner, E. Cristea
| On the determination of AJISAI's spin parameters from Graz kHz-SLR data
| 88
D.B. Korovinskiy, V.S. Semenov, N.V. Erkaev
| Theoretical model of steady-state magnetic reconnection in the electron Hall magnetohydrodynamics approximation
| 92
T.V. Kozelova, L.L. Lazutin, B.V. Kozelov, N. Meredith
| Substorm low-energy particle decrease near the inner edge of the plasma sheet
| 96
A.E. Levitin, L.I. Gromova, L.A. Dremukhina
| Current systems of large-scale geomagnetic variations: Evolution of modeling
| 100
L.L. Lazutin, S.N. Kuznetsov
| Study of the solar proton belts in the inner magnetosphere
| 105
A.A. Petrukovich, T.-L. Zhang, W. Baumjohann, R. Nakamura, A. Runov, A. Balogh
| Slipping deformation of the plasma sheet magnetic structure
| 108
S.I. Solovyev, A.V. Moiseyev, K. Yumoto, M. Engebretson, A. Du
| The character of geomagnetic and auroral response to solar wind dynamic pressure variations and the dynamics of particles injected into the magnetosphere
| 112
S.I. Solovyev, A.V. Moiseyev, M. Engebretson, K. Yumoto, A. Du
| Geomagnetic sudden impulse characteristics in dependence of the IMF orientation
| 116
O.M. Chugunova, V.A. Pilipenko, M.J. Engebretson, A. Rodger
| Seasonal and diurnal dependences of Pc3 and Pc4 geomagnetic pulsation power at very high latitudes
| 123
I.V. Golovchanskaya, O.V. Mingalev
| Propagation of the ballooning waves in the Earth's magnetotail
| 126
H. Lichtenegger, J.A. Morente, B.P. Besser, J. A. Port, A. Salinas, H.K. Biernat
| On the altitude dependence of Schumann resonance frequencies
| 133
B.V. Kozelov, E.E. Titova, F. Honary, S. Marple
| Principal component analysis of simultaneous IRIS and TV observations of pulsating patches
| 137
B.V. Kozelov, A.G. Demekhov, E.E. Titova, V.Y. Trakhtengerts, O. Santolik, E. Macusova, D.A. Gurnett and J.S. Pickett
| Variations of chorus source location deduced from fluctuations of ambient magnetic field: Comparison of Cluster data and the backward-wave oscillator model
| 141
V.A. Martines-Bedenko, V.A. Pilipenko, F. Christiansen, J.F. Watermann
| Correspondence between near-noon ULF wave activity and field-aligned currents
| 145
O.G. Onishchenko, O.A. Pokhotelov, M.A. Balikhin, R.A. Treumann
| Magnetosonic solitons in high-b non-Maxwellian space plasmas
| 149
O.A. Pokhotelov, O.G. Onishchenko, M.A. Balikhin
| Shell distribution instability upstream terrestrial bow shock
| 153
O.A. Pokhotelov, O.G. Onishchenko, M.A. Balikhin, R.A.Treumann, S.I. Shatalov
| Properties of nonlinear low-frequency waves in high-b space plasmas: Kinetic and fluid description
| 156
A. Schekotov, O. Molchanov, N.Yagova, E. Fedorov, V.Chebrov, V. Sinitsin, E. Gordeev, G. Belyaev, M. Hayakawa
| Seismic activity in Kamchatka and the parameters of natural ULF/ELF emissions
| 161
T.A. Yahnina, A.G. Yahnin, A.I. Voronin, T. Bösinger
| A case study of the proton precipitation related to Pc2 pulsations
| 165
N.A. Zolotukhina, J. Cao, O.M. Chugunova
| On the "convective" model of IPDP generation
| 169
N.A. Barkhatov, S.E. Revunov
| Classification of abrupt changes of the interplanetary medium parameters by a method of artificial neural networks
| 175
I.V. Getselev, V.P. Okhlopkov, M.V. Podzolko
| Solar cosmic ray proton fluxes in the Earth's orbit
| 179
S.N. Karpov, Z. M. Karpova, L.I. Miroshnichenko, E.V. Vashenyuk
| The muon bursts with energy above 200 GeV recorded during GLE events
| 183
Z.M. Karpova, S.N. Karpov and A.B. Chernyaev
| Using the extensive air shower detectors for study of solar cosmic rays
| 187
M.B. Krainev, A.V. Belov, R.T. Gushchina, V.G. Yanke
| On the long-term variations of the medium energy galactic cosmic ray intensity according to the balloon and neutron monitor data collected in the Kola Peninsula and in Moscow region
| 191
M.B. Krainev
| On the behavior of the medium energy galactic cosmic ray intensity in the outer heliosphere
| 195
A.A. Lubchich, I.V. Despirak
| Transmission of Alfven waves through a strong shock wave
| 199
A.I. Podgorny, I.M. Podgorny, N.S. Meshalkina
| Current sheet of solar corona is the source of solar flare radio emission
| 203
I.M. Podgorny, A. I. Podgorny
| Hard X-rays generation at a solar flare
| 207
T.E. Val'chuk
| Seasonal variation of the geomagnetic disturbance as inferred from the analysis of the aa-index and solar activity
| 211
U. Brändström, I. Sandahl, T. Sergienko, A. Pellinen-Wannberg, B. Gustavsson, M. Rietveld, T. Aso and Å. Steen
| ALIS - highlights, status and future plans
| 217
E.N. Ermakova, D.S. Kotik and S.V. Polyakov
| The broad spectral maximum in low frequency background magnetic noise
| 221
M.A. Knyazeva, A.A. Namgaladze
| A model study of seasonal and solar activity variations of the enhanced electron density regions in the night-time ionospheric F2-layer and plasmasphere
| 225
Y.N. Kulikov, H. Lammer, H.I. M. Lichtenegger, T. Penz, and H.K. Biernat
| Solar radiation and particle induced effects on the early Martian atmosphere and loss
| 229
O.V. Martynenko, M.M. Gladkikh, I.V. Artamonov
| Application of the object-oriented approach in upper atmosphere modeling
| 234
A.A. Namgaladze, E.N. Doronina, M. Förster
| The role of electric fields and magnetospheric electron precipitations for the formation of the equatorial total mass density minimum
| 238
A.B. Pashin and A.A. Mochalov
| Influence of neutral spices on the artificial magnetic pulsations excitation
| 241
A.I. Semenov, N.N. Shefov, V.A. Sukhodoev
| Re-analysis of the long-term hydroxyl rotational temperature trend according to measurements in Spitsbergen
| 245
A.I. Semenov, N.N. Shefov
| Long-term variations of temperature and structure of the middle atmosphere within the last century
| 250
N.G. Sergeeva, E.B. Vasilyev, O.F. Ogloblina
| Study of the parameters of high latitude ionosphere by method of space-diversity reception
| 254
V.D. Tereshchenko, O.F. Ogloblina, V.A. Tereshchenko, E.B. Vasiljev, A.P. Osepian, S. M. Chernyakov
| Reaction of the lower polar ionosphere to X-class solar flares in January 2005
| 258
V.D. Tereshchenko, E.B. Vasiljev, O.F. Ogloblina, V.A. Tereshchenko, S.M. Chernyakov
| An ionospheric effect of lunar echo from a space gamma-ray flare
| 262
A.V. Agapitov, A.M. Evtushevsky, A.V. Grytsai, G.P. Milinevsky
| Planetary scale Rossby waves in the total ozone over the south polar region
| 269
A.I. Akhmetov, Yu.V. Fedorenko, M.I. Beloglazov, V.A. Shishaev
| Some results of atmospheric currents and acoustic-gravitational waves measurements in Apatity
| 273
M.I. Beloglazov, L.A. Pershakov, G.P. Beloglazova
| About the change of atmospherics intensity in ELF-range during Forbush-decreases of galactic cosmic rays
| 277
V.I. Demin ,Yu.L. Zyuzin
| On climatic changes in the Khibiny mountains (Kola Peninsula, Russia)
| 281
V.I. Demin, A.M.Zvyagintsev, I.N. Kuznetsova, O.A. Tarasova
| On the international and Russian hygienic regulations for ozone content in the surface layer
| 285
V.I. Demin, N.F. Elansky, I.A. Senik
| Changes of ozone concentration at the Kislovodsk mountain observatory during the foehns caused by the air crossing of the Great Caucasian ridge
| 289
P.A. Kashulin, N.V. Kalachveva
| Short-term cycles in terrestrial ecosystems and possible biological significance of quasi-biennial oscillations
| 295
A.E Levitin, L.A. Dremukhina, L.I. Gromova, E.G. Avdeeva, D.I. Korzhan
| Quantitative description of geomagnetic activity for study of heliogeomagnetic factors influence on the biosphere
| 299
S.I Mazukhina, D.B. Denisov
| Reconstruction of ionic composition of natural waters, formed within the Khibiny massif
| 301
I.N. Perminova, E.V. Perminova, M.N. Yakovleva, A.L. Kosova
| The influence of geomagnetic fields on human cells ability for repairing DNA damage
| 305
S. Chernouss, N. Perevozchikov, V. Shishaev, O. Antonenko, A. Mikhaylov, N. Belisheva
| Investigation of sensitivity and noise characteristics of the bio-effective UV radiation sensor in field conditions
| 308