28 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena"
Apatity, 1-4 March 2005
I.V. Despirak, A.G. Yahnin, A.A. Lubchich, B.V. Kozelov, H.K. Biernat Relationship between the auroral bulge area in the ionosphere and total pressure decrease in the magnetotail 9
L. Gromova, L. Dremukhina, A. Levitin, V. Pilipenko, N. Yagova, E. Avdeeva, D. Korzhan Response of the northern and southern polar caps ground-based magnetic field to IMF 13
S. A. Kiehas, V. S. Semenov, I. V. Kubyshkin, T. Penz, H. K. Biernat, D. Langmayr, A. Runov, and R. Nakamura Magnetic field and shock behavior in the time-dependent Petschek reconnection model 17
I.A. Kornilov, T.A. Kornilova, O.I. Kornilov Some common features of auroral breakups fine spatial - temporal structure 21
I.A. Kornilov, T.A. Kornilova , O.I. Kornilov Some aspects of polar arcs generation process 25
T.A. Kornilova, I.A. Kornilov Structure and dynamics of auroral intensifications inside the double oval: Substorm of December 26, 2000 29
A. Levitin, L. Dremukhina, L. Gromova, I. Kostuchenko The problem of the geomagnetic activity assessment 33
A. Levitin, Y. Feldstein, L. Dremukhina, L. Gromova, E. Avdeeva, D. Korzhan Solar wind control of magnetospheric energetics during magnetic storms 37
T. Penz, V.V. Ivanova, V.S. Semenov, I.B. Ivanov, V.A. Sergeev, R. Nakamura, H.K. Biernat, I.V. Kubyshkin, M.F. Heyn Reconstruction of nightside flux transfer events using Cluster data 44
S.I. Solovyev, R.N. Boroyev, A.V. Moiseyev On the relation between the SYM-H and Dst- indices during the development of magnetic storm 48
S.I. Solovyev, R.N. Boroyev, A.V. Moiseyev, A. Du, M. Engebretson Effect of auroral electrojets on the Dst-index variations during the super-magnetic storm on October 29-30, 2003 52
L.S. Yevlashin Dependence of the intensity and southern boundary of hydrogen emission on AE-index 56

L. Hvizdoš, K. Kudela, T.L. Zhang, M. Delva, Z. Vörös Detection of the spacecraft stray magnetic field: An approach based on dual sensor measurements 59
I.B. Ievenko, A.E. Stepanov, V.N. Alexeyev, V.F. Smirnov Penetration of the magnetospheric convection electric field to subauroral latitudes by observations of the diffuse aurora, SAR arc and ionospheric drift 63
T. Kozelova, L. Lazutin, B. Kozelov, N. Meredith, M. Danielides Dynamics of low energetic ions and electrons near substorm onset 67
A.A. Ostapenko, Y.P. Maltsev Region 1 field-aligned currents in the magnetosphere derived from observations 71
I.M. Podgorny, A.I. Podgorny Current sheets in space plasma 74
T.A. Yahnina, A.G. Yahnin, D.A. Yahnin, P.T. Newell, T. Sotirelis Long-term behavior of the magnetotail stretching 78
T.L. Zhang, M. Volwerk, R. Nakamura, W. Baumjohann, A. Runov, C.M. Carr, A. Balogh, J. K. Shi, H. U. Eichelberger,H. Lammer, H. Lichtenegger Double Star initial results of magnetotail current sheet 82

V.B. Belakhovsky, Y.P. Maltsev Non-linear Landau damping due to generation of secondary waves 89
I.V. Golovchanskaya, A. Kullen Ballooning-type instabilities and waves in the Earth's magnetosphere (review) 93
N. Mazur, E. Fedorov, V. Pilipenko, T. Uozumi Interaction of the field-aligned current front with the anomalous resistance layer 100
O.G. Onishchenko, O.A. Pokhotelov Parametric generation of the zonal structures by Alfven waves in the Earth's ionosphere 104
V.V. Surkov, O.A. Pokhotelov, E.N. Fedorov, O.G. Onishchenko Police whistle type excitation of the ionospheric Alfven resonator at middle latitudes 108

I.V. Getselev, T.A. Ivanova, V.P. Okhlopkov, M.V. Podzolko Solar activity and cosmic rays in 1973-2003 115
T.A. Hviuzova, V.L. Zverev, S.V. Tolochkina Aurora characteristics during the Earth's magnetosphere interaction with some types of compound and separate solar wind streams 119
M. Leitner, C.J. Farrugia, N.V. Erkaev, H.K. Biernat Influence of the IMF on the shock stand-off distance of interplanetary magnetic clouds 123
N.A. Melnik, E.V. Vashenyuk, Yu.V. Balabin Changes of radionuclide Be-7 in relation to cyclic and sporadic variations of cosmic rays 126
A.I. Podgorny, I.M. Podgorny Simulation of current sheet formation for May 27, 2003 flare using photospheric magnetic field 130
V.Ye. Timofeev, L.I. Miroshnichenko, S.N. Samsonov, N.G. Skryabin Manifestation of the Jupiter's synodic period in the solar wind parameters and ground pressure 134
E.V. Vashenyuk, Yu.V. Balabin, G.A. Bazilevskaya, Yu.I. Stozhkov, N.S. Svirzhevsky Balloon and ground level observations during giant SPE of January 20, 2005 137
E.V. Vashenyuk, Yu.V. Balabin, B.B. Gvozdevsky, L.I. Miroshnichenko, K.-L. Klein, G. Trottet, P. Lantos Solar cosmic ray propagation model for the 28 October 2003 GLE 141
E.V. Vashenyuk, Yu.V. Balabin, B.B. Gvozdevsky, L.I. Miroshnichenko, J. Perez-Peraza, A. Gallegos-Cruz Regularities in the relativistic solar proton spectra formation 145
E.V. Vashenyuk, Yu.V. Balabin, B.B. Gvozdevsky, S.N. Karpov Super GLE of 20 January, 2005 145

A.V. Agapitov, S.I. Musatenko Electron fluxes synchrotron radiation in the Earth middle latitude ionosphere 155
V.V. Belikovich, V.D. Vyakhirev, E.E. Kalinina, V.D. Tereshchenko, V.A. Tereshchenko, O.F. Ogloblina The study of the ionospheric D-layer by partial-reflection technique at middle and high latitudes in the spring of 2004 159
Yu.N. Kulikov, H. Lammer, H.I.M. Lichtenegger X-ray and EUV heating of the Venusian and Martian thermosphere by the young sun 163
V.I. Larkina, N.G. Sergeyeva, B.V. Senin Modification parameters of the ionosphere plasma above the pollution zones in the Euro-Arctic region 167
S.N. Samsonov, V.D. Sokolov, N.G. Skryabin Generation of magnetic noise bursts during rocket launches 171
V. Pilipenko, E. Fedorov, K. Mursula, and T. Pikkarainen 160-min variation of the riometer absorption 175
I.I. Shagimuratov, I.I. Efishov, A.V. Radievsky Analysis of the phase fluctuations of GPS signals in the polar ionosphere during storms 178
V.D. Tereshchenko, E.B. Vasiljev, O.F. Ogloblina, V.A. Tereshchenko, S.M. Chernyakov Observations of the ionospheric effects in highlatitude D-region during solar flares in April, 2004 182
V.D. Tereshchenko, E.B. Vasiljev, O.F. Ogloblina, V.A. Tereshchenko, S.M. Chernyakov On the reaction of the polar lower ionosphere to the catastrophic earthquake in the South-East Asia on December 26, 2004 186

V.I. Demin, M.I. Beloglazov, N.V. Barashev The ozone measurements in the Khybiny mountains 193
V.I. Demin, A.Yu. Karpechko, E. Kyre On the role of the turbulent mixing in the formation of the ground-level ozone concentration in the Kola Peninsula 196
V.I. Demin, E.V. Zykov The foehns in the Khibiny mountains 199
V.I. Demin, N.F. Elansky, I.A.Sennik The free air foehn effect on ozone concentration in the Khibiny and the Caucasus mountains 203
A.V. Grytsai, A.M. Evtushevsky, G.P. Milinevsky, A.V. Agapitov Long-term changes in the quasi-stationary zonal distribution of the total ozone in Antarctic region 207
Y.Y. Kulikov, V.G. Ryskin, A.A. Krasilnikov, L.M. Kukin, M.I. Beloglazov, E. Kyr?, R. Neuber, U. Raffalski Joint observations of the behaviour of polar ozone during winter 2003/2004 in the northwest sector of the Arctic 211

P.A. Kashulin, N.V. Kalacheva, V.C. Roldugin Past solar and environmental bio significant events and current population structure of the biota 217
H. Lammer, A. Berces, S. Chernouss, N.K. Belisheva, G. Kovacs, Gy. Ront?, H.I.M. Lichtenegger Monitoring of biological (DNA-damaging) effects of solar UV radiation in middle and high latitudes 221

M.B. Krainev On the development of the current solar cycle 23 on the Sun, in the inner heliosphere, and in the galactic cosmic ray intensity 225
M.B. Krainev On the possible improvements in the frequent balloon cosmic ray monitoring in the Earth's atmosphere 229
Y.P. Maltsev Effect of substorms on the 29-31 October, 2003, superstorm 233