25 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena"
Apatity, 26 February - 1 March 2002
Session 1. Storms and substorms
L.S. Yevlashin, Yu.P. Maltsev On the relationship between Coronal Mass Ejections (CME); solar flares, some magnetospheric parameters and auroras of different types, during great magnetic storms
A.V. Moiseyev, S.I. Solovyev, K.Yumoto Characteristics of substorms stimulated by variations of the dynamic solar wind pressure and magnetospheric convection electric field
I.V. Despirak, A.G. Yahnin, N.P. Dmitrieva, V.A. Sergeev, M.A. Shukhtina Poleward boundary of auroral bulge and plasma sheet flow reversal region location during substorms
V.A. Popov, V.A. Velichko Fine structure of auroral electrojets in the Harang discontinuity region before a break-up onset
V.G. Vorobjev, O.I. Yagodkina A substorm in midnight auroral precipitations
N. Dmitrieva, M. Shukhtina, V. Sergeev Magnetospheric substorm and Steady Magnetospheric Convection: comparative study of global parameters
V.A. Velichko, R.N. Boroyev, M.G. Gelberg, D.G. Baishev, J.V.Olson, R.J.Morris, K.Yumoto Asymmetry in the substorms development in northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth
R.N. Boroyev Dynamics of the field-aligned currents in during substorms
M. Pudovkin, S. Zaitseva and R. Nakamura Variation of the magnetotail electric fields during magnetospheric substorms
I.B. Ievenko and V.N. Alexeyev Manifestation of substorms and storm in the SAR arc dynamics. Statistical analysis.
B.V. Kozelov and T.V. Kozelova Cellular model analogy of the magnetosphere-ionosphere substorm activity driven by solar wind with finite velocity of penetration into magnetosphere
B.V. Kozelov and T.V. Kozelova Estimation of nonadiabatic motion regions in the magnetosphere during substorm
T.V. Kozelova, L.L. Lazutin, and B.V. Kozelov Westward expansion of substorm activation in the magnetosphere
M.Yu. Goncharova, Yu.P. Maltsev Low-latitude ASY index as an indicator of the high-latitude magnetic activity
T.A. Kornilova, I.A. Kornilov High latitude auroral portrait of substorm expansive phase

Session 2. Fields, currents, and particles in the magnetosphere
Y.I. Galperin ,V.L. Khalipov, A.E. Stepanov, E.D. Bondar Formation of a polarization jet during the injection of ions into the inner magnetosphere
A.V. Frank-Kamenetsky, R.C. Corney, G.B. Burns, O.A. Troshichev The geoelectric field at Vostok, Antarctica
L. Lazutin, K. Kauristie, T. Kornilova, and M. Uspensky Auroral activity of the polar boundary arc and the equatorial part of an oval during substorms
Lazutin L.L, S.N.Kuznetsov High energy electron precipitation measured in polar cap by Coronas-I satellite
A.V. Moiseyev, S.I. Solovyev, K. Yumoto Relation between formation of preliminary and main SI impulses during a sharp compression of the magnetosphere by solar wind
S.V. Apatenkov, V.A. Sergeev, R.Pirjola, A.Viljanen Evaluation of geometry of GIC-related current systems
O.V. Kozyreva, N.G. Kleimenova, K. Kauristie, J. Manninen Dynamics of Pi3 geomagnetic and riometer pulsations during auroral activations (February 9, 1997)
O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina, J. Manninen, E. Turunen Inverse bays of auroral absorption: A physical model
V. D. Sokolov, S. N. Samsonov Dependence of appearance frequency of auroral absorption on its intensity
I. Ya. Plotnikov MHD-flow in the vicinity of the frontal magnetosphere point
Y. P. Maltsev, I. V. Golovchanskaya Magnetostatic equilibrium in the magnetotail
P.A. Sedykh, E.A. Ponomarev On the mechanism of the loading-unloading process in the Earth's magnetosphere
L. V. Tverskaya, N. N. Pavlov, and T. A. Ivanova Some features of injection of relativistic electrons into the inner magnetosphere during a magnetic storm
I.V. Golovchanskaya, Yu.P. Maltsev Modeling of interchange instability in the plasma sheet
A.A. Ostapenko, Yu.P. Maltsev Field-aligned currents under various geophysical conditions
M.I. Pudovkin, S.A. Zaitseva, V.V. Lebedeva, A.A. Samsonov, B.P. Besser, C.-V. Meister, W. Baumjohann MHD-modelling of the magnetosheath
Goncharova M.Yu. A duskside reversal in the diurnal variation of the low-latitude H component
O.V. Martynenko, E.S. Dolmatova Analysis of the electron precipitation spatial distribution using the satellite measurements
B.V. Kozelov, T.V. Kozelova, T.A. Kornilova Dynamics of auroral intensification as an output of magnetosphere-ionosphere system
A.L. Kotikov, M.I. Pudovkin, and O.I. Kornilov, A.B. Pashin Energetic particle precipitations stimulated by the ionosphere heating
Dubyagin S.V., Sergeev V.A., Yahnin A.G. Discrete arc sources location as inferred from low altitude observations
M.A. Volkov , N.Yu. Romanova Numerical simulation of magnetosphere-ionosphere convection using the open magnetosphere Tsyganenko-96 model
I.A. Kornilov Subvisual auroral structures to the north from discrete arcs above Spitsbergen
M. Mogilevsky, A. Fedorov , T. Romantsova, A. Skalsky, E. Budnick, J.-L. Rauch, J.-G. Trotignon, J.-A. Sauvaud, V. Styazhkin, J. Pickett Multi-spacecraft studies of the penetration of IMF disturbances within the polar cusps
A. Dmitriev and L. Lazutin Relation of the relativistic electron dynamics on the geosynchronous orbit with high latitude magnetic activity
О.В. Мингалев, И.В. Мингалев, Ю.П. Мальцев Численное моделирование электрического тока в окрестности нейтральной линии при помощи крупных частиц
A.M. Sadovski Electromagnetic waves generated by ion distribution with velocity space holes

Session 3. Waves and wave-particle interaction
N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyreva Daytime high-latitude geomagnetic pulsation response to the front edge of the magnetic clouds
Kleimenova N.G., Kozyreva O.V., Schott J-J., Manninen J., Ivaniva P. Geomagnetic pulsations pc4 near polar cusp as a responce to the front edge of an interplanetary manetic cloud impact
A.G. Yahnin, T.A. Yahnina, V. Angelopoulos, N.Y. Ganushkina, J. Kangas, J. Manninen, F.S. Mozer, T.A. Fritz, C.T. Russell Multi-satellite study of phenomena in the evening magnetosphere during the Pc1 event
V. Safargaleev, A. Vasil'ev, A. Kozlovsky, E. Pchelkina, A. Serebryanskaya ULF response to sudden changes of the solar wind dynamic pressure: two case study
V.C. Roldugin, Yu.P. Maltsev, A.N. Vasiljev, A.Yu. Schokotov Schumann resonance frequencies increase during solar X-ray bursts
A. G. Demekhov, D. Nunn, and V. Y. Trakhtengerts Backward wave oscillator regime of whistler cyclotron instability in an inhomogenous magnetic field
A.A. Lubchich, E.E. Titova, B.V. Kozelov, J. Manninen Relationship of VLF chorus characteristics and ELF hiss intensity variations
E.E. Titova, B.V. Kozelov, F. Jiricek, J. Smilauer, A.G. Demekhov, V.Yu. Trakhtengerts Verification of the BWO model of VLF chorus generation using data from Magion 5
S.V. Isaev, A.G. Demekhov, and V.Y. Trakhtengerts New results on self-consistent modeling of magnetospheric Pc-1 emissions
B. Lundin, C. Krafft On the dispersion of the low frequency whistlers in the plasma depletion regions
B.V. Kozelov, E.E. Titova, A.A. Lubchich, V.Y. Trakhtengerts, J. Manninen "On-off" intermittency as a dynamic analogy of VLF chorus generation
N.V. Semenova, A.G. Yahnin, A.A. Ostapenko, B.Z. Khudukon, R.Y.Yurik Modelling the ionosphere Alfven resonator on basis of the IRI model and observed ionosphere parameters
С.В. Поляков, Л.А. Собчаков Ультранизкочастотные радиоволны в магнитосферно-ионосферной системе (обзор)
M. Mogilevsky, J.L. Rauch, V. Petrov, V.Styajkin, F. Jiricek, P. Triska, T. Romantsova, A. Rusanov Small-scale electromagnetic structures in the auroral region

Session 4. Sun, solar wind, and cosmic rays
A.I. Podgorny, I.M. Podgorny, I.A. Bilenko Bastille flare. Analysis of energy accumulation
I.M. Podgorny, A.I. Podgorny Current sheet decay as a united mechanism of the phenomena associated with a solar flare
V.V. Pchelkin, B.B. Gvozdevsky and E.V. Vashenyuk Relativistic solar proton dynamics during July 14, 2000 event
E.V. Vashenyuk Ground level event occurrence during last five solar cycles
N.G. Skryabin, S.N. Samsonov, I.Ya. Plotnikov Influence of the Jupiter Position on Cosmic Ray Intensity in the Vicinity of the Earth
I.V. Getselev, S.A. Krasotkin, E.A. Chuchkov, V.P. Okhlopkov, M.V. Podzolko Cosmic rays and solar-terrestrial relations
A.A. Lubchich, I.V. Despirak, A.G. Yahnin Dependence of temperature and thermal pressure of the solar wind on its velocity and density
G.A. Bazilevskaya, V.S. Makhmutov, A.K. Svirzhevskaya, N.S. Svirzhevsky, E.V. Vashenyuk Intrusion of energetic electrons into the polar atmosphere
N.S. Svirzhevsky, Yu.I. Stozhkov, G.A. Bazilevskaya, M.B. Krainev, A.K. Svirzhevskaya, E.V. Vashenyuk Cosmic ray measurements in the Earth's polar regions: tasks and problems
В.С. Семенов, С.А. Дядечкин Релятивисткий джет как следствие падения магнитной силовой трубки на черную дыру Керра
L.P. Borovkov and E.V. Vashenyuk Hydrogen H&alpha emission measurements in Apatity during the solar protons event on September 25, 2001

Session 5. Ionosphere and upper atmosphere
D.V. Blagoveshchensky, S.V. Nozdrachev Ionospheric disturbances observed by oblique backscatter method
M. Uspensky, A. Koustov, P. Janhunen, D. Danskin, A. Fabirovsky, S. Nozawa On Estimates of the True Electron Drift Velocity from the STARE data
Platov Yu., Chernouss S., Kulikova G. The features of gas-dust clouds of rocket exhaust in the upper atmosphere
Yu.V. Platov Absolute calibration of extended emission objects brightness by stars
V.M. Aushev, G.I. Gordienko, I.N. Pankratova The Earth Mesosphere and Ionosphere Dynamics During the Great Geomagnetic Storm of October 9, 1999
V.M. Aushev, G.I. Gordienko, A.I. Pogoreltsev, M.G. Shepherd Springtime effects in mesosphere and ionosphere over Kazakhstan region
V.V. Bakanas Spectrum of the near infrared airglow at the middle latitude
V.V. Bakanas Seasonal and quasi-biennualvariations of the temperature regime of the hydroxyl emission photochemistry
A.M. Lyatskaya Electron temperature and ionic composition variations over the auroral activity regions
A.I. Semenov Modern status and problems of studies of the middle and upper atmosphere temperature regim e and composition long-term changes (a review)
V.F. Smirnov, A.E. Stepanov, L.D. Filippov, V.I. Kozlov, N.E. Egorov, S.S. Parfenov, V.L. Khalipov Absorption of HF radiowaves in high-latitude ionosphere during geomagnetic disturbances
G.A. Gavrilyeva, P.P. Ammosov Measurements of the mesosphere temperature by two molecular emissions in Yakutsk (62 N, 129.5 E)
S.V.Leontyev Preliminary results of wind velocity measurements at different points
В.Д. Терещенко, О.Ф. Оглоблина, В.А. Терещенко, В.Ф. Григорьев Волновые возмущения в полярной мезосфере
В.Д. Терещенко, Е.Б. Васильев, В.А. Терещенко Полярное мезосферное эхо средних радиоволн
В.Д. Терещенко, О.Ф. Оглоблина, В.А. Терещенко, Т.В. Ковалевич Сезонные различия электронной концентрации в D-области полярной ионосферы по данным метода частичных отражений
В.Д. Терещенко, М.В. Якимов, О.Ф. Оглоблина, В.А. Терещенко Особенности поведения летних средневолновых радиоотражений от полярной ионосферы в вечернее время
A. Fabirovsky, M. Uspensky, K. Kauristie, G. Starkov Ray-tracing simulation of auroral radar backscatter
V.P. Kozelov, V.A. Galakhov Experimental optimization of the point of operation of Fabri-Perot interferometer
A.B. Orlov, A.E. Pronin, A.N. Uvarov, G.A. Petrova The regular seasonal variations of electron density profile for the day-time low middle-latitude ionosphere (50 - 70 km) on base of VLF propagation data and on a photochemical model in the quiet and SID conditions
A.A. Namgaladze, A.N. Namgaladze, E.N. Doronina, Yu.V. Zubova Numerical modeling of the lower thermosphere and ionosphere behavior observed over Millstone Hill during the March 31, 2001 magnetic storm
V.L. Zverev, Zh.V. Dashkevich Study of aurora spectrum characteristics
М.Ю. Андреев, Г.И. Мингалева, В.С. Мингалев, М.И. Орлова Моделирование прохождения коротких радиоволн на трансавроральной радиотрассе в прямом и обратном направлениях
А.Н. Калитёнков, М.В. Успенский Динамика аврорального возмущения в характеристиках радиосигналов загоризонтных радиолокаторов
Г.И. Мингалева, В.С. Мингалев Моделирование пространственной структуры высокоширотной F-области при разных условиях освещенности ионосферы
A.A.Namgaladze, A.N.Namgaladze, L.A.Chernyuk Numerical modeling of the vertical thermospheric wind behavior in the high-latitude ionospheric E-region during magnetic storms at high solar activity
A.B. Pashin, A.L. Kotikov, and M.I. Pudovkin Numerical modeling of cosmic noise absorption in artificially modified ionosphere volume
A.A. Namgaladze, R.Yu. Yurik Numerical modeling of the coupled thermosphere, ionosphere and plasmasphere dynamics for the April 3-4, 1979 geomagnetic storm
E. E. Timofeev, P. Pollari, J. Kangas, T. Bosinger An effect of anomalous cooling of the dynamo layer electrons for under FB-threshold electron drifts
Zhizhko G.O., Vlasov V.G. Ion heating in the F2-region of the ionosphere in the presence of small-scale inhomogeneity
G.F. Remenets, V.V. Bondarenko Numerical Analysis of the Ionized Atmosphere in the cases of VLF powerful disturbances. Part 2.
Ж.В. Дашкевич, В.Е. Иванов Некоторые особенности меридионального поведения параметров электронных потоков внутри авроральных дуг
A.S. Kirillov The study of intramolecular and intermolecular energy transfer processes in inelastic scattering of electronically excited molecular nitrogen and molecular oxygen
Y.N. Kulikov On the influence of precipitating electrons on nitric oxide in the lower polar ionosphere
S. Chernouss, A. Yahnin, A. Rolgugin Optical observations of the Acoustic-Gravity Waves (AGW) supposedly initiate by the rocket launches
V.A. Turyansky and B.Z. Khudukon Preliminary results of combined satellite and auroral measurements in the high latitude region

Session 6. Low atmosphere, ozone
V.C. Roldugin, S.A. Roumiantsev, A.Yu. Karpechko and M.I. Beloglazov Surface ozone and UV intensity on Kola peninsula
E.A. Kasatkina, O.I. Shumilov, E. Kyro, R. Kivi, V.A. Turyansky, K. Fadel Response of polar atmosphere on recent solar proton events
E.V. Kononovich, N.N. Shefov Quasi-biennial variations of solar activity during 11-years of a cycle and their display in the variations of the temperature of a middle atmosphere
P.P. Ammosov, G.A. Gavrilyeva Planetary waves in the O2 (0-1) emission rate during stratospheric warming
Pudovkin M.I., Starkov G.V., Anohin S.G. Influence of permafrost on amount of ozone in atmosphere
L.V. Solovieva, S.G. Anohin Influence of solar activity on total amount of ozone in atmosphere
I.V. Artamonova, M.I. Pudovkin The Global Current Circuit variations influence on atmospheric transparency
A. Zvyagintsev, I. Kuznetsova Special features of surface ozone time series in the Moscow region
A. Zvyagintsev and G. Kruchenitsky Can the northern hemisphere anomalies be identified with the antarctic hole?
S.A. Zaitseva, S.N. Akhremtchik, M.I. Pudovkin, B.P. Besser, R.P. Rijnbeek Long-term variations of the solar activity - lower atmosphere relationship
Y.Y. Kulikov, V.G. Ryskin Seasonal variations of ozone in the upper polar atmosphere from data of microwave radiometry
V.C. Roldugin, S.A. Roumiantsev, A.Yu. Karpechko, M.I. Beloglazov Surface ozone variations induced by UV radiation in polluted polar atmosphere
А.А. Криволуцкий, Т.Ю. Вьюшкова, А.А. Куминов Численное моделирование отклика озоносферы на солнечные протонные вспышки
O.I. Shumilov, E.D. Tereshchenko, A.N. Vasilyev, E.A. Kasatkina, A.G. Struev, O.M. Raspopov, S.N. Kulichkov High-latitude computer-aided complex on measurement of atmospheric waves and electricity
A.V. Semenov , V.C. Roldugin , A.Yu. Karpetchko , M.I. Beloglazov, S.A. Chernouss Features of the variations of the total ozone contamination on the meridional profile in the Barentsregion

Session 7. Biosphere
P.A. Kashulin, O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina, N.V.Kalacheva, P.M.Zhiboedov Are the cosmophysical factors in the auroral zone involved in plant physiological activity fluctuations?
N.V. Kalacheva, P.A. Kashulin, P.M. Zhiboedov, O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina Diurnal temporal patterns of flavonoids accumulation in local vaccinium plants may be underlined by the background geophysical environment
O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina, O.M. Raspopov, A.G. Struev Heliogeomagnetic activity and human health at Spitsbergen
O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina, A.V. Enykeev, A.V. Chramov Fetal heart rate variability depending on geomagnetic activity at high latitudes
P.A. Kashulin, G.A. Yevdokimova, T.A. Ageyeva, N.V. Kalacheva Experimental study of the effects of some model environmental electromagnetic background emissions on microbiota
P.A. Kashulin, N.V. Kalacheva, P.M. Zhiboedov Long-term time-course of flavonoids accumulation in boreal plants as bioindicator for solar activity
S. Chernouss, O. Antonenko, V. Ilyin, G. Milinevsky, A.A. Moiseenko Heart rate variability parameters variations at geomagnetic disturbances in arctic and antarctic regions
S.M. Bazhenov, M.F. Borisenkov, G. Cornelissen, F. Halberg Half-yearly (circasemiannual) auroral aspects of breast cancer growth
Franz Halberg, Germaine Cornelissen, Robert B. Sothern, Yoshihiko Watanabe, Andi Weydahl, Earl Bakken and Othild Schwartzkopff Transdisciplinary challenge in auroral oval of genetically coded resonances with non-photic environmental cycles
N.K. Belisheva , T.L. Kachanova The importance of investigative techniques and data completeness in assesment of the geocosmical agents role for organism state
O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina, D.Yu. Smirnov, O.M. Raspopov, I.Yu. Kirtsideli, G. Jacoby, E. Turunen A decline in tree growth in Arctic since 1970: Global warming or a New Little Ice Age?
D.Yu. Smirnov, O.I. Shumilov, E.A. Kasatkina Development of ancient maritime culture in European Arctic: Connection to solar forcing of climate?