20 Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena"
Apatity, 1997
Preprint PGI-97-01-101
Editor: B.V. Kozelov
SESSION 1. Storms and Substorms
M.G. Gelberg The statistical investigation of the substorm characteristics
S.Z. Kershengolts, M.G. Gelberg Systematization of the high-intensity long-duration continuous auroral activity
I.V. Kovalevsky System investigation of geomagnetospheric storms (GMS) and substorms (GSS)
I.V. Kovalevsky and E.I. Kovalevskaya Method of GMS multidimensional classification according to main phases
L.P. Shadrina, S.Z. Kershengolz Relationship of two classes geomagnetic storms and high-intensity long-duration continuous auroral activity
L.I. Vagina, V.A. Sergeev Study of the substorm onset using the isotropic boundaries and energetic particle measurements as well as ground data
L.I. Vagina The estimation of induction effect in modelling of substorms based on ground magnetic data
D.G. Baishev, E.S. Barkova, J. Kangas, S.I. Solovyev, A.G. Yahnin, K. Yumoto Manifestations of multiple onsets of substorms in geomagnetic variations in midday-evening sector at subauroral ionosphere latitudes (L=4-5)
K.I. Nikolskaya and T.E. Valchuk The solar wind and the corona - two diagnostic signs of the solar high speed mass flow existence in the coronal basis
V.G. Vorobjev, O.I. Yagodkina Interplanetary medium signatures during the periods of high-latude magnetic impulse events
T.E. Valchuk Cycles in solar, geomagnetic and meteorological phenomena
L. Lazutin, T. Kozelova, R. Rasinkangas, A. Korth, H. Singer, K. Torkar, S. Ullaland, J. Stadsnes Trapped energetic proton variation during substorm intensifications and activations
L. Lazutin, T. Kozelova, A. Korth, H. Singer, R. Stadsnes, S. Ullaland, J. Stadsnes Fast changes of energetic particle intensity during local activations
T. Kozelova, L. Lazutin, B. Kozelov, R. Rasinkangas, H. Singer, A. Korth Energetic protons and equatorial current perturbations during the substorm as observed by CRRES

SESSION 2. Fields, Currents, Particles in the Magnetosphere
E.Yu. Feshchenko, Yu.P. Maltsev Radial profile of the magnetospheric plasma pressure restored from the magnetic data
A.V. Kustov, G.J. Sofko, R.A. Greenwald, J.M. Ruohoniemi, Y.I. Feldstein, L.I. Gromova, A.E. Levitin, V.O. Papitashvili, B.A. Belov Ionospheric plasma convection, electric fields, and field-aligned currents derived from the superdarn radar observations and predicted by the IZMIRAN electrodynamic model (IZMEM)
A.V. Runov, M.I. Pudovkin, C.-V. Meister Reconnection development in tail-like layer with finit diffusion region
M.A. Shukhtina, V.A. Sergeev, R. Rasinkangas, G. Kremser, A. Korth, G. Reeves, M. Thomsen, N.C. Maynard, E.M. Basinska, H. Singer Time-spatial characteristics of the electric field and energetic particle fluxes in the inner magnetosphere
E.V. Voronov Magnetotail plasma during large-scale electric field variation
A.A. Arykov, Yu.P. Maltsev, A.A. Ostapenko Mapping in the magnetic field empirical model
A.A. Ostapenko, Yu.P. Maltsev, D.G. Sibeck Magnetopause shape as a function of p, Bz, and Dst
A. Kozlovsky, W. Lyatsky A model for the magnetosphere compression by solar wind pressure sudden impulse
Yu.P. Maltsev Field-aligned current perturbation produced by variations in the solar wind pressure
L.V. Benkevitch, W.B. Lyatsky Concerning the TCV focus positions at the ground and ionospheric level
M. Goncharova, W. Lyatsky, V. Kriviliov, D. Sibeck Ion energy dispersion events in the cusp/cleft region
O.A. Troshichev, Y. Kamide, S. Kokubun Magnetospheric convection in the distant tail in conditions of the northward IMF: new concept based on GEOTAIL data
V.P. Kozelov On the formula for field-aligned currents in the magnetosphere
K.N. Korotaev, V.M. Smirnov, A.S. Savjolov Modelling of dynamics of penetration of plasmoids in cross magnetic field
T.A. Yahnina, B.B. Gvozdevsky Morphology of energetic proton precipitation from the inner magnetosphere
R.A. Kovrazhkin INTERBALL/Auroral probe experiment and its possibilities to solve actual problems of auroral plasma dynamics

SESSION 3: Waves
N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyreva, H. Ranta Long period geomagnetic and riometer pulsations
N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyreva, J. Bitterly, J.J. Schott Pc5 range geomagnetic pulsations in great magnetic storm on March 24,1991
Б.В. Киселев, Д.М. Волобуев Моделирование динамического хаоса в приложении к анализу некоторых геофизических временных рядов
V.A. Mullayarov, V.I. Kozlov Direction finding of exit regions of magnetospheric VLF emissions
V.A. Mullayarov, R.R. Karimov, V.I. Kozlov, N.N. Murzaeva The cyclic changes of the natural noise VLF-emission intensity and the sunsport numbers
V.D. Tereshchenko High latitude ion cyclotron instability in the ionospheric F-region
B.V. Kozelov, I.A. Kornilov, J. Manninen, T. Turunen Fractal analysis of simultaneous observations of pulsating aurora and VLF-chorus emissions
E. Timofeev, M. Vallinkoski, J. Kangas, P. Pollary, T. Virdi, P.J. Williams, E. Nielsen Experimental evidence of the termo-diffusion instability effects in the VHF-radar echo layers
A. Kozlovsky, W. Lyatsky Finite Larmour radius convection instability of the plasma sheet
M.I. Beloglazov, G.F. Remenets Unique ground VLF monitoring of the relativistic electron precipitations
V.A. Kornienko, N.F. Blagoveshchenskaya, M. Rietveld, A. Brekke, B. Holmslet On possibility of HF powerful radiowaves influence to local ionosphere current system during substorm

SESSION 4: Ionosphere
V. Safargaleev, W. Lyatsky, N. Gazey, P. Smith, H. Koskinen, K. Kauristie, J. Manninen, T. Turunen The response of tangential component of the ionospheric electric field on auroral arc brightening
A.P. Mamrukov, A.E. Stepanov, E.K. Zikrach, V.L. Khalipov, L.D. Filippov, L.V. Shestakova, V.F. Smirnov Classification of oblique reflections from high-latitude ionosphere by ground-based measurements
L.M. Kagan, M.C. Kelley, R.A. Doe Temperature signatures of active auroral events in the ionosphere
V.A. Kuzmin, V.D. Sokolov, I.P. Bezrodnykh Registration of the sudden cosmic noise absorption due to solar X-ray flares by the riometer station meridional chain
G.A. Petrova, Y.N. Kulikov, S. Kirkwood Modelling of electron density in the nighttime winter lower ionosphere at high latitudes
Т.Н. Лукичева, В.С. Мингалев Формирование двухслойного спорадического слоя E под действием термосферного ветра
Г.И. Мингалева, В.С. Мингалев Моделирование особенностей структуры F-слоя ионосферы в области каспа
W.L. Baran, I.I. Shagimuratov, I.I. Ephishov, N.Yu. Tepenitsyna The use of GPS and glonass to study the structure of ionosphere
N.P. Sergeenko Long-term changes of ionospheric storms properties
A.S. Kirillov, G.A. Aladjev The role of the N2(A3,v)+O reaction in the radiation of green line and vibrational kinetics of molecular nitrogen in high latitude upper atmosphere
A.S. Kirillov, G.A. Aladjev The role of vibrationally excited molecules in atmospheric chemical balance during beam-plasma instabilities
V.C. Roldugin, A.V. Volosevich Are electron-ion collisions unimportant for auroral radiowave absorption?
V.C. Roldugin, A.P. Osepjan Calculations of the flux-energy spectra of the precipitating electrons from the ionisation profiles by the simplex-method
A.A. Namgaladze, M.A. Volkov, A.N. Namgaladze Numerical simulation of the field-aligned current system response to a reduction in the large-scale electric field
A.A. Namgaladze, A.N. Namgaladze, M.A. Volkov A case study of the seasonal effects in the ionosphere-thermosphere response to the precipitation and field-aligned current variations in the cusp
T.I. Sergienko Theory of the oxygen green line in the aurora

SESSION 5: Aurora
D.G.Baishev, K.Yumoto, S.I.Solovyev, N.E.Molochushkin, E.S.Barkova Waves of diffuse luminosity and variations of the magnetic field in the evening hours during a magnetic storm
V.A. Velichko, R.N. Boroev, N.E. Molochushkin, K. Yumoto The luminosity variations of 5577Р• emission before auroral disturbance onset
V.A. Arinin, V.S. Ismagilov and V.R. Tagirov Aspects of massive processing of digitized auroral TV data
N.I. Dzubenko, A.M. Evtushevsky, V.N. Ivchenko Some effects of background ionospheric conductivity in the structural characteristics of aurorae
L.S. Yevlashin, N.N. Shefov, V.M. Ponomarev Height distribution of main emissions luminosity in the high latitude red arc
B.V. Kozelov, I.A. Kornilov Fractal characteristics of digitized auroral TV images
V.R. Tagirov, V.S. Ismagilov, V.A. Arinin, D. Sibeck Transient auroral events in the dayside sector during stronly northward IMF
I.A. Kornilov Statistical study of space correlations in pulsating aurora

SESSION 6: Atmosphere, Ozon, Biosphere
R.V.Smirnov, E.V.Kononovich Helio-geophysical effects in variations of the temperature anomalies and zonal and meridional pressure gradients in the troposphere
Y.Y. Kulikov, V.G. Ryskin Ozone-temperature interaction in the polar upper atmosphere
V.A. Sukhodoev, N.N. Shefov Spatial distribution of energy influx in the mountain lee of mesopause, caused by IGW generation over mountain chain
V. Roldugin, S. Chernouss, A. Roldugin, G. Starkov, G. Totunova, A. Korotitch, A. Perlikov Prominent polar stratospheric clouds over Kola Peninsula 16-23 January 1997
A.I. Semenov Ozone and atomic oxygen altitude distribution behaviour at lower thermosphere during last four decades
P.F. Krymsky, P.D. Reshetnikov Influence of solar wind on the large-scale zonal circulation of the Earth's atmosphere
V.A. Sukhodoev, V.I. Perminov, A.I. Semenov Mesopause planetary waves detection by emission measurements based on the hydroxyl world net station data
S. Chernouss, Yu. Fedorenko The cardiac rhythmology method as a way to study influence of geophysical disturbances on human health

V.V. Shelomentsev, S.S. Sheshukov Application of linear prediction filter technique to analysis of magnetospheric disturbances
V.V. Shelomentsev Electrodynamics of the magnetospheric substorm in terms of equivalent electric circuit
A.M. Lyatskaya Field-aligned current pattern on the ionosphere data



Aladjev G.A. 34

Arinin V.A. 39,41

Arykov A.A. 19


Baishev D.G. 12,38

Baran W.L. 33

Barkova E.S. 12,38

Basinska E.M. 18

Beloglazov M.I. 28

Belov B.A. 17

Benkevitch L.V. 20

Bezrodnykh I.P. 31

Bitterly J. 24

Blagoveshchenskaya N.F. 28

Boroev R.N. 38

Brekke A. 28


Chernouss S. 44,45


Doe R.A. 30

Dzubenko N.I. 39


Ephishov I.I. 33

Evtushevsky A.M. 39


Fedorenko Yu. 45

Feldstein Y.I. 17

Feshchenko E.Yu. 17

Filippov L.D. 30


Gazey N. 30

Gelberg M.G. 9

Goncharova M. 21

Greenwald R.A. 17

Gromova L.I. 17

Gvozdevsky B.B. 22


Holmslet B. 28


Ismagilov V.S. 39,41

Ivchenko V.N. 39


Kagan L.M. 30

Kamide Y. 21

Kangas J. 12,27

Karimov R.R. 26

Kauristie K. 30

Kelley M.C. 30

Kershengolts S.Z. 9,11

Khalipov V.L. 30

Kirillov A.S. 34

Kirkwood S. 31

Kiselev B.V. 25

Kleimenova N.G. 24

Kokubun S. 21

Kononovich E.V. 43

Kornienko V.A. 28

Kornilov I.A. 26,40,41

Korotaev K.N. 22

Korotitch A. 44

Korth A. 14,15,18

Koskinen H. 30

Kovalevskaya E.I. 10

Kovalevsky I.V. 10

Kovrazhkin R.A. 22

Kozelov B.V. 15,26,40

Kozelov V.P. 21

Kozelova T.V. 14,15

Kozlov V.I. 25,26

Kozlovsky A. 20,27

Kozyreva O.V. 24

Kremser G. 18

Kriviliov V. 21

Krymsky P.F. 45

Kulikov Y.N. 31

Kulikov Y.Y. 43

Kustov A.V. 17

Kuzmin V.A. 31


Lazutin L. 14,15

Levitin A.E. 17

Lukicheva T.N. 32

Lyatskaya A.M. 47

Lyatsky W.B. 20,21,27,30


Maltsev Yu.P. 17,19,20

Mamrukov A.P. 30

Manninen J. 26,30

Maynard N.C. 18

Meister C.-V. 17

Mingalev V.S. 32

Mingaleva G.I. 32

Molochushkin N.E. 38

Mullayarov V.A. 25,26

Murzaeva N.N. 26


Namgaladze A.A. 35,36

Namgaladze A.N. 35,36

Nielsen E. 27

Nikolskaya K.I. 13


Osepjan A.P. 35

Ostapenko A.A. 19


Papitashvili V.O. 17

Perlikov A. 44

Perminov V.I. 45

Petrova G.A. 31

Pollary P. 27

Ponomarev V.M. 40

Pudovkin M.I. 17


Ranta H. 24

Rasinkangas R. 14,15,18

Reeves G. 18

Remenets G.F. 28

Reshetnikov P.D. 45

Rietveld M. 28

Roldugin A.V. 44

Roldugin V.C. 34,35,44

Runov A.V. 17

Ruohoniemi J.M. 17

Ryskin V.G. 43


Safargaleev V. 30

Savjolov A.S. 22

Schott J.J. 24

Semenov A.I. 44,45

Sergeenko N.P. 33

Sergeev V.A. 11,18

Sergienko T.I. 36

Sibeck D.G. 19,21,41

Singer H. 14,15,18

Shadrina L.P. 11

Shagimuratov I.I. 33

Shefov N.N. 40,44

Shelomentsev V.V. 46

Sheshukov S.S. 46

Shestakova L.V. 30

Shukhtina M.A. 18

Smirnov V.M. 22

Smirnov V.F. 30

Smirnov R.V. 43

Smith P. 30

Sofko G.J. 17

Sokolov V.D. 31

Solovyev S.I. 12,38

Stadsnes J. 14,15

Stadsnes R. 15

Starkov G. 44

Stepanov A.E. 30

Sukhodoev V.A. 44,45


Tagirov V.R. 39,41

Tepenitsyna N.Yu. 33

Tereshchenko V.D. 26

Thomsen M. 18

Timofeev E. 27

Torkar K. 14

Totunova G. 44

Troshichev O.A. 21

Turunen T. 26,30


Ullaland S. 14,15


Vagina L.I. 11,12

Valchuk T.E. 13,14

Vallinkoski M. 27

Velichko V.A. 38

Virdi T. 27

Volkov M.A. 35,36

Volobuev D.M. 25

Volosevich A.V. 34

Vorobjev V.G. 13

Voronov E.V. 18


Williams P.J. 27


Yagodkina O.I. 13

Yahnin A.G. 12

Yahnina T.A. 22

Yevlashin L.S. 40

Yumoto K. 12,38


Zikrach E.K. 30