Proceedings | Preprint PGI-96-02-100 Editor: B.V. Kozelov Abstracts
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Section 1: Substorm
E.E. Antonova, N.Yu. Ganushkina, and I.L. Ovchinnikov
| The magnetostatic equilibrium in the magnetosphere and substorm plasma properties
| 7
| L. Lazutin
| Modelling of the auroral electron transport and acceleration during the breakup
| 11
| L. Lazutin, T.V. Kozelova, R. Rasinkangas, G. Kremser, A. Korth, W. Riedler, K. Torkar, H. Singer, and A. Melnikov
| Magnetospheric substorm fine structure as observed by balloons and satellites
| 15
| T.V. Kozelova, L.L. Lazutin, B.V. Kozelov, R. Rasinkangas, H. Singer, and A. Korth
| Azimuthal anisotropy of the proton fluxes during the substorm onset
| 19
| A.A. Arykov, and Yu.P. Maltsev
| Storm time variation of the standoff distance
| 23
| Section 2: Fields, currents, particles in the magnetosphere E.M. Shishkina, A.L. Kotikov, and M. Persson
| The problem of field-aligned currents reconstruction
| 26
| N.V. Yagova, V.A. Pilipenko, and E.N. Fedorov
| Hydromagnetic spectroscopy of the magnetosphere with PC3 geomagnetic pulsations
| 29
| O.A. Drobysh, V.S. Semenov, and M.F. Heyn
| MHD model of FTE in compressible plasma
| 33
| A.E. Kozlovsky, and W.B. Lyatsky
| Alfven wave generation by ionospheric inhomogeneity in the field-aligned current region
| 37
| V.S. Smirnov, V.S. Ismagilov, E.V. Vashenyuk, H. Kananen, K. Mursula, and P. Tanskanen
| The relationship between interplanetary and magnetospheric disturbances on data of correlated IMF, cosmic rays and geomagnetic measurements
| 41
| A.A. Ostapenko, and Yu.P. Maltsev
| Dependence of the cusp latitude on various parameters
| 45
| Yu.P. Maltsev, and I.V. Golovchanskaya
| Jet structure of magnetospheric convection and formation of auroral arcs
| 47
| Section 3: Waves E. Fedorov, V. Surkov, and V. Pilipenko
| Propogation of MHD disturbances along the ionosphere
| 50
| M. Goncharova, and W. Lyatsky
| On the frequency modulation of VLF emissions
| 53
| M. Goncharova, and W. Lyatsky
| The VLF wave modulation by PC1/2 pulsations in the magnetosphere as a function of magnetosphere plasma parameters
| 56
| V.R. Tagirov, V.S. Ismagilov, E.E. Titova, A.M. Perlikov, V.A. Arinin, J. Manninen, T. Turunen, and K. Kaila
| Auroral pulsations and accompanying VLF-emissions
| 59
| A.A. Lubchich, A.G. Yahnin, E.E. Titova, V.Yu. Trakhtengerts, A.G. Demekhov, R.D. Belian, J. Manninen, T. Turunen, and R. Rasinkangas
| Longitudinal drift and precipitation of the energetic electrons during the substorm
| 63
| A.G. Demekhov, A.A. Lubchich, V.Y. Trakhtengerts, E.E. Titova, J. Manninen, and T. Turunen
| Modeling of nonstationary electron precipitations by the whistler cyclotron instability
| 67
| T.A. Yahnina, E.E. Titova, A.G. Yahnin, B.B. Gvozdevsky, A.A. Lyubchich, V.Yu. Trakhtengets, A.G. Demekhov, J.L. Horwitz, J. Manninen, and T. Turunen
| Some features of the energetic electron precipitation in the evening sector
| 70
| V.Y. Trakhtengerts, A.A. Lubchich, A.G. Demekhov, T.A. Yahnina, E.E. Titova, M.J. Rycroft, J. Manninen, and T. Turunen
| Cyclotron model for quassi-steady precipitation of energetic electrons at the plasmapause
| 73
| Section 4: Ionosphere A.A. Kuznetsov and V.G. Vlasov
| Generation of planetary auroral radioemission in the inhomogeneous plasma
| 77
| V.G. Vlasov and G.O. Zhizhko
| Dynamics of the auroral thermal wave in the F2-region of ionospere
| 81
| V.S. Mingalev, M.I. Orlova, G.A. Aladjev, A.S. Kirillov, and G.I. Mingaleva
| Modelling of high frequency radio wave propagation along a high-latitude route
| 85
| G.I. Mingaleva, and V.S. Mingalev
| Computational study of the response of the high-latitude F-layer to a powerful HF wave
| 87
| E. Belova, E. Pchelkina, W. Lyatsky, and A. Pashin
| The effect of ionosphere inhomogeneity on magnetic pulsation polarization. 1.
| 89
| E. Belova, E. Pchelkina, W. Lyatsky, and A. Pashin
| The effect of ionosphere inhomogeneity on magnetic pulsation polarization. 2. Magnetic disturbance on the ground as a function of inhomogeneity magnitude.
| 93
| A.A. Namgaladze, N. Namgaladze, and M.A. Volkov
| Response of the polar thermosphere and ionosphere in the vicinity of the cusp to the field-aligned current variations
| 97
| M.A. Volkov, O.V. Martynenko, and A.A. Namgaladze
| MHD-magnetospheric block for the global numerical model of the Earth's upper atmosphere
| 101
| V.A. Vlaskov, A.A. Bogolyubov, and E. Turunen
| Investigation of PMSE characteristics by partial reflection radar at 2.7 Mhz
| 107
| V.A. Galakhov, N.N. Bogdanov, and S.V. Leontyev
| The account of influence of the atmospheric factors on neutral winds measurements
| 111
| Section 5: Atmosphere and ozon K. Henriksen, and V. Roldugin
| Long-term ozone variations and changes of polar vortex
| 114
| Comments and discussion On paper by E.E. Antonova, N.Yu. Ganushkina, and I.L. Ovchinnikov
| The magnetostatic equilibrium in the magnetosphere and substorm plasma properties
| 117
| On paper by A.A. Ostapenko and Yu.P. Maltsev
| Dependence of the cusp latitude on various parameters
| 118
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